2023-05-02 WLA_V2

Safety training

Wind Limited Access/ V2 2023-05-02

Offshore Limited Access


Table 5.5.1 - GWO OLA certificate validity period

5.6 Course Codes


Course Code

Onshore Limited Access


Offshore Limited Access


Table 5.6.1 - GWO WLA course code

5.7 Participant Prerequisites All personnel participating must meet the participant prerequisites described in the GWO Requirements for Training. 5.8 Instructor Qualification Prerequisites The instructor shall possess appropriate qualifications and experience to ensure that all training and supportive activities are carried out in accordance with current legislation and/or local guidelines and current

version of GWO’s Requirements for Training offering GWO training. Instructors qualified to deliver the BST are able to deliver the WLA. 5.9 Practical Training Facilities The Wind Limited Access modules may only be delivered at fixed training facilities.

6. USING THIS STANDARD TO DEVELOP TRAINING The training in this standard is designed around the GWO taxonomy described in the GWO Requirements for Training. Theoretical and practical activities must be delivered according to the defined taxonomic level in order to reach the described learning objectives. When teaching safety equipment, a generic approach to shall be applied aiming to avoid additional potential product specific formal training after completion of this training. However, national or regional legislation, company gap analysis and location specific risk assessments may require additional product specific familiarisation which is the responsibility of the duty holder. In addition to this, all training based on this standard including all related resources shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements described in the GWO Requirements for Training.

Global Wind Organisation ©2023 / www.globalwindsafety.org

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