Avenues: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

Health & Wellness Newsletter by Avenues Physical Therapy

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

SHOULDER, ELBOW, &WRIST PAIN INSIDE: • Determined To Walk Again: Meet Randy • What Is Causing Your Shoulder Pain? • Patient Success Spotlights

Why it hurts. The body is truly amazing and all the parts work together as one whole. However, when an area of your body becomes weak or stiff because of poor posture, stress or injury, other areas strain from the overwork. A common word that is used for this type of repetitive injury strain is called “tendonitis.” This is simply an inflammation of the tendons, which attach muscles to bones. The upper extremity works in 3 parts, the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They rely on each other to make the incredible movements of your arm so you can reach, grasp and do ordinary daily tasks we take for granted. Proper movement relies on your posture to be in good order. When you slouch or sometimes do a repetitive task, like reaching across your desk, certain muscles can become too tight or strong while others become weak. This muscle imbalance leads to that area not working as well as it should. For example, you sit at a desk all day and you slouch your shoulders. Now, your shoulder doesn’t work as well, but you still move your mouse around with your

arm, which causes your wrist and forearm muscles to overwork. As this happens over time, you start to notice aches and pains in your wrist and elbow. If this goes on too long, it becomes severe and you need to seek out medical help. Solving the problem. Typically a brace may be put on the area, but that does not solve the cause of the problem. The real reason can be because your shoulder was stif and weak from slouching. An expert physical therapist has the right medical training to spot where your posture is not optimum and how you are compensating. With the right evaluation and treatment from the experts at Avenues Physical Therapy, you can relieve your shoulder, elbow or wrist pain quickly and be back to doing what you like to do. Our home programs make it easy for you to maintain your gains and stay well for the long haul. Call us today to learn more how we can relieve your pain and get you back to enjoying your activities. (continued inside)

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


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Find the misspelled word in this newsletter for your chance to win a $10 GIFT CARD! Call In & Win Hotline: 307-634-0298 *Contest for past and present patients ONLY Misspelled Mania Edition

Pictured: Randy andWalynn

Randy iscurrentlyapatientatAvenuesPhysicalTherapy Clinic. InJanuary2011,hewasapassenger inapickup truck. The truck hit black ice, went off the road, and rolledover.Hesufferedaneckfractureandspinalcord injury.Doctorstoldhimhewouldneverwalkagain.But hewasdeterminedtodoso;hewasnotgoingto lethis injury control his life. Randy went to numerous physical therapy clinics in theareawithoutsuccess.Healsotriedequinetherapy, which he enjoyed. In early 2015, he began physical therapy three times a week with Walynn Smith, PT at Avenues Physical Therapy Clinic. Randy set goals for himself and Walynn helped him achieve them. He fit Randywithkneebracestohelpsupporthis legsandto walk. In May of 2015, Randy was able to take his first steps. He initially walked 11.8 feet in 20 minutes by takingoneortwostepsatatimeandresting inbetween

steps. Now he is able to walk three blocks with only a few short breaks. He also regained his driver’s license and bought a handicap accessible van to drive. While he still mainly uses the City buses for transportation because of parking issues, he likes having the van as a transportation option. Before his accident, Randy worked as a ranch hand androughneck intheoilfield.Sincecomingtophysical therapyatAvenuesPhysicalTherapyClinic,hehasbeen able to obtain part-time employment at Goodwill. He alsohasafewcowshecaresforandhopestooneday get back to hunting and fishing. RandycreditsWalynnforall thesuccesshehashad in the past three years. However, Walynn states, “Randy has been a very hard worker. He has achieved things thatwerethoughttobe impossiblewithhisspinalcord injury. I was the coach, he did the hard work.”

Last Month’s Winners: Lori Cook & Virginia Allen



The majority of pain that travels to your shoulder from your neck is referred pain. Your shoulder may not necessarily be the problem. In fact, the first 10 degrees of movement in your shoulder comes from your shoulder joint. The rest relies on the movement of your upper back, neck, shoulder blade, and collar bones. If these areas work incorrectly then shoulder pain can occur. Most neck and shoulder pain is a result of prolonged poor posture, lifting heavy objects and minor falls or injuries. These irritate the joints in the neck and upper back. This then makes the muscles around the upper back and shoulder tighten and become sore. Suddenly, you now have neck and shoulder pain. There are many nerves that come off of the cervical (neck) vertebral bodies that pass down in front of the shoulder heading towards the arm. Irritation of these nerves can refer pain to the shoulder. Poor posture, especially with sitting at work or at home, can cause this to occur. Rotation of the neck or tilting of the neck may create your shoulder pain if these nerves are involved. It is important that a physical therapist examine you thoroughly if you are experiencing these symptoms. If you have had a fall or injury and suddenly develop shoulder and neck pain seek help immediately. Any injury may affect the many sensitive structures in your neck and upper back. Shoulder and neck pain if they occur together may relate to disc injuries. This is more likely if you are having neck and arm pain, rather than just shoulder pain. Pain that travels down the arm to any extent may indicate more severe problems. Shoulder pain can result in restricted movement of your body. Pain involves the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, and respiratory Call us today at 307-634-0298 to schedule an appointment! Print sudoku http://1sudoku.com 6 2 3 6 8 9 1 4 6 4 7 3 8 1 6 9 7 2 4 3

system. To avoid referred shoulder pain or any kind of referred pain, you should have a strong immune system for prevention of diseases. A strong body can fight infection or disease and can enhance the functioning of all the body systems. A balanced diet, regular physical therapy exercises and a stress-free mind are the keys to maintaining an active life. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, consult one of our expert physical therapists for a full evaluation to determine where your problem is originating from, so correct treatments can be applied to help you. If you are suffering with shoulder pain, call us today to learn more about how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free life!

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5559 - Level Expert

n° 45619 - Level Expert

Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Walynn Smith, PT

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT


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Patient Success Spotlights

“I am so grateful and pleased with the results of my therapy. After my surgery for a broken arm, my shoulder had frozen and I couldn’t straighten my arm. I couldn’t open jars or envelopes; and in the kitchen, reach the dishes. I couldn’t comb my hair. Now I can do all the things I want to do. After every session I could feel improvement. The staff made me feel comfortable and welcome. Kelsey, you are the best, thank you.” - Kathy G. “Improvement After Every Session!”

“Some many moons ago (September 1990), I was diagnosed with bursitis in my left shoulder. As a young man, I didn’t let that upset me but as I got older the bursitis/arthritis resurfaced its ugly head. I went to a local doctor and he stated that I should just go get a massage. My pain was to the point that I was losing my range of motion not to mention my back pain was starting to rear its ugly head. So much pain, that I could hardly reach the shower head without grunting and waking up in the middle of the night with pain. I finally decided to walk through the doors of Avenues Therapy Clinic, after meeting the staff I felt this is the place to be (Very Friendly Environment). After every session, I started to feel better. At one point I stopped taking over the counter drugs.The exercises, stretches and let’s not forget Linda Froelicher and the pink weights (LOL). In all reality, I really must thank Kelsey Kean for his expertise. He really diagnosed my problem and immediately targeted the areas of concern. Great conversation also, I think that’s what really puts this place on the city map.Thanks for everything. I’m going fishing now that I have a better range of motion.” - John B. “Gained Back Better Range Of Motion!” HAPPY JULY 4TH!

“My Path To A Pain-Free Shoulder!”

“About a year ago I became very dedicated to improving my physical fitness, including cardio work along with strength training. Everything was going well for months until I began experiencing shoulder pain which was forcing me to change or adapt the exercises I was doing to strengthen my upper body. Soon thereafter, I noticed that even routine activities at home – reaching for a towel, grabbing a drink from the refrigerator, and fixing my hair – were causing pain. Kelsey was great at listening and understanding the issues I was having. I really appreciated that he was able to offer suggestions about how to continue my strength training workouts while working through the physical therapy treatments he was providing. The strengthening and stretching exercises he recommended were also an important part of the path to a pain-free shoulder. Thanks Kelsey for your patience and guidance, ithasallowedme tocontinuedoing the things Ienjoy.” - Lori S.

This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298

Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Walynn Smith, PT

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT


MAINTAINTHAT BEACHBODY! 8 Nutrition Tips For A Healthy Summer

5. Snack at work. Bring snacks to work and graze throughout the day. When you eat more often—five to six times per day—you’re far less likely to overeat and more likely to stay energized. 6. Hydrate often. The summer heat makes you more susceptible to dehydration. Start off your day by drinking two glasses of water and keep drinking at each meal, as well as before and after your workout, to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you as a reminder to stay hydrated. 7. Recover with a post-workout shake. After exercising, blend your favorite summer fruits and a scoop of whey protein into a shake to kickstart the muscle-building process, help your body recover from training, and boost your energy levels. Try one of these shake recipes. 8. Pre-plan your meals. You plan your weekend getaways and activities for summer. Why not your meals? Make it easy by preparing all of your food on Sunday so that you have enough meals for the week. The best part: You’ll save money.

Summer weekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor dinners are finally here, but these gatherings are often loaded with high-calorie pasta salads, chips, ice cream, cocktails and beers. Enjoy your warm weather favorites while keeping your nutrition in check with the tips below. 1. Drink green tea instead of sweet tea. Green teahasanaturalcomponent that helps speed up your metabolism. Skip the box tea and opt for the brew-it-yourself with boiling water and a tea-bag-type tea. 2. Serve seafood. Summer is the ideal time to get the freshest catch from your local grocer. Grill salmon, tuna, lobster, steamer clams, and calamari for a low-calorie, protein-packed lunch or dinner. 3. Don’t skip breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, your body is running on fumes. Eating a breakfast with protein, carbs, and healthy fat kicks your metabolism into high gear and provides energy for the day. 4. Enjoy summer fruits and veggies. It’s easy to sink into a vegetable rut, eating the same boring veggies week after week, but with summer comes fresh choices. Including a mix of in-season colorful veggies in your meals gives your body a nutrient kick.


4000 Central Avenue, Suite 3 Cheyenne, WY 82001


WAND SHOULDER FLEXION Lying on your back and holding a wand, palms face down on both sides, slowly raise the wand towards overhead.

ELASTIC BAND EXTERNAL ROTATION While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand near your stomach and then pull the band away. Keep your elbow at your side the entire time.

Skinny Orange Creamsicles Recipe

INGREDIENTS • 2 cups unsweetened Greek yogurt • 1 orange

• 1 cup pineapple chunks • 1-2 tsp. vanilla extract • 1 tbsp. honey

DIRECTIONS In a high-speed blender or food processor, combine all ingredients. Process until completely smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze until solid. Try swapping the orange with different fruit. Serves 6.

*Blend in spinach for a boost of greens.


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