0. Draft SIP complete v1.1 2023-24 draft v1.2 pre-final

Key performance indicators

Metacognition: Marking & Feedback: Disciplinary

DFE CPD:metacognition: Parent project All staff complete the accredited DFE CPD programme leading to strengthen adult interactions to ensure rapid progress for all. Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy (including mindfulness & self regulation) leading to rapid progress. Parents undertake an Abbey induction to support them in home/school learning. This will follow through as they migrate through the school leading to stronger progress for all.

Small steps: Vocabulary: Diversity Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. Pupils talk with depth about their learning. Review and update the diverse range of adults, places, artists, musicians etc. learnt through the curriculum. Promotion of SMSC, PD, FBV leading to pupils being well-prepared for next steps and life in modern Britain. CURRICULUM

Kahoot: Peer & Self : WAGOLL

Revise:Re-invent: Teach & practice

Workload: CPD; Experts







Kahoot is refined and embedded along with other AFL (tech based) strategies so that staff are acutely aware of gaps in learning and next steps - more pupils successfully learn the curriculum. The process of pupils’ peer/self assessing is reviewed to ensure that it supports all to understand next steps and successes. Pupils make rapid progress to address misconception. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils. ASSESSMENT

Workload reform supports staff well-being, retention and useful knowledge of next steps leading to rapid progress from starting points. CPD model reviewed to ensure staff cognitive overload is accounted for. A new model to support the 3yr aspect of the curriculum (and other) sections. LSP hubs of expert practice on specific interferons ensures expertise is shared; pupils get more specific intervention to accelerate progress.

BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum.

Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress. Digital forms and revised assessment processes reduces workload, improves teacher knowledge and supports well-being and retention. 5% uplift in non-core attainment against the school’s curriculum.

Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunities.

Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- National Curriculum skills and attributes.

Soft skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils.

Staff and pupils understand and can talk about Disciplinary subject knowledge.





Sitting underneath this overarching SIP is a series of subject review booklets that have individual subject/aspect detail. Note: Some aspects of curriculum review will span academic years to ensure effectiveness, rigour and workload.

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