0. Draft SIP complete v1.1 2023-24 draft v1.2 pre-final


INTENT 1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan 2. Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. This language is clear on all planning Notebooks. Pupils talk with depth about their learning. 3. Review and update the diverse range of adults, places, artists, musicians etc. learnt through the curriculum. Promotion of SMSC, PD, FBV leading to pupils being well-prepared for next steps and life in modern Britain.

Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



IMPLEMENTATION 1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identify domain (subject) specific vocabulary and shape the teaching sequence/learning journeys . Audit against the progression maps. As staff move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Develop and enhance the promotion of diversity through the curriculum. Ensure that the models support the community profile at Abbey and further international dimensions. Ensure that there is balance - develop summary artwork by year group.




1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring. 9 x £200 per week release = £72,000

2. INSET days x 3


3. Directed time to integrate plans

4. Summary year group artwork representing diversity

IMPACT 1. Pupils learn the curriculum well; attainment in-line to above national at all key-stages. 2. Skill progression covered fully and scaffolded for strategic catch-up; 5% uplift in non-core attainment. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. 3. Diversity promotion is clear across all areas of the curriculum and key-stages. 4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.

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