12C — February 13 - 26, 2015 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
CREW Lehigh Valley learns about Hamilton Crossing Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women
2015 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident A drienne K wiatek -H olub N ational P enn B ank P resident E lect P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust P ast P resident C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEED AP S pillman F armer A rchitects S ecretary M arie M c C onnell F itzpatrick L entz &,B ubba , PC C orresponding S ecretary P am S ullivan D esign P oint , I nc . T reasurer J ennifer K eat T ubiello -H arr & A ssoc . T ina R oseberry SSM G roup , I nc . C ommitee C hairs & C o -C hairs M embership B etsy S hamberger M oonstone environmental C onnie H asara M ohawk G roup P ublic R elations L isa P ektor P enn CAP P roperties J ulie S aucier P rofilet S pillman F armer A rchitects C ommunity S ervices S andra K uhns K& H C ustom W indows P rograms J ulie M acomb N orris M c L aughlin & M arcus F oundation C hampions K ate H art Z ayaitz N ational P enn B ank A nn M arie O sika L afayette A mbassador B ank D elegates P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust K ristin H omes , PE HC E ngineering , LLP For membership information contact: Betsy@moonstoneenviro.com D irectors at L arge K elly B erfield , E sq . T he D ietrick G roup
ehigh County , PA — CREW Lehigh Valley ’s program year kicked off in January with a fascinating presentation about Hamilton Crossing, a 570,000 s/f upscale life-style center slated for development in Lower Macungie Township, Lehigh County, PA. Presented by developers Tim Harrison , of Staten Island, NY and Jer- emy Fogel , with the Gold- enberg Group , Blue Bell PA, the lunchtime program was held at the Lower Macungie Township Municipal Building. According to Harrison, first class retailers will include the Lehigh Valley’s “first and only Costco”, Whole Foods, and Nordstrom Rack who will be joined by Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods. The developers reported that the 138-million-dollar center is “virtually leased.” Harrison credited “teamwork” between the municipality and the de- velopers as a key factor in bringing the project to fruition. Fogel described amenities that L
CREW LV 2015 President Adrienne Kwiatek Holub moderated the program
development can begin. The project is a public-private partnership, with some funding derived from Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Capital Assis- tance Program, the Transporta- tion Infrastructure Investment Fund, the PA Industrial Site Reuse Program and a Tax In- cremental Financing Program supported by the township and the local school district. Groundbreaking is slated early this year. Sara Pandl , Lower Mac- ungie Township’s director of Planning/Community Develop- ment discussed how the project
will be enjoyed by the commu- nity such as gathering spaces, a stage for performances, seating, and a bike trail to link to sites outside the center. The pair recounted site chal- lenges, including zoning vari- ances, existing easements, stormwater, and traffic require- ments. While perfectly situated to serve the community, the site had been a mine in the 19th Century and mine wash made portions of the site unstable. About 333,000 cubic yards of the structurally unstable mine wash must be removed before
will interface with pedestrian improvements outlined in a recently completed township study. n Kelly Berfield & Julie Macomb staff the registration table
Tim Harrison (left) and Jeremy Fogel of the Goldenberg Group are partners in the project
SPONSORS GOLD Liberty Property Trust • Spillman Farmer Architects • Fitzpatrick, Lentz & Bubba, LLC • PennCAP Properties ServPro of Eason, Bethlehem & Whitehall • National Penn Bank • Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. PATRON Boyle Construction Management • NAI Summit Management • Northstar Construction Management CONTRIBUTORS Campbell Rappold & Yurasists ,LLP • Regan Levan Bloss Brown & Saychak PC Lafayette Ambassador Bank • Buckno Lisicky & Co. FRIENDS The Dietrick Group • QNB Bank•Barry Isett & Associates, Inc.• The Frederick Group JG Petrucci Co. • MKSD Architects • Feinberg Real Estate Advisors • HMK Insurance • Design Point
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