New Parents Training Guide for helping to prepare a puppy for city living.
Rai s ing a Puppy Ready for Ci ty Living
Learn Exactly What it Takes to Raise a Puppy who is ready for City Life By Yo Armendariz KPA CTP
Hi, I'm Yo The Owner and Founder of Canine Learning Academy. I spent 30 years as a Gym Owner and Personal Fitness Trainer before making the switch to being a Certified Dog Trainer. Motivation and breaking down complex tasks into bite size pieces is my specialty. Living in the city, I recognize the struggles people face raising a puppy, that's why I designed this helpful guide.
We want what's best for your dog. We are proud to never use fear, pain, or force. We believe that training should be fun, humane and effective. That's why we are Karen Proyor Academy Certified Training Partners.
The Team
Raising a puppy in the city can have unique challenges compared to raising a pup in a suburban or rural area where there is easy access to large sidewalks and grass . Anyone who has stood outside trying to get a puppy to eliminate beside a busy city street will tell you they have become super aware of the honking horns and sirens , people and dogs passing , and trucks noisily unloading their wares . If you live in a high rise building , you have to go down an elevator , through a narrow hall , passing new people all the time . Following this plan will set you and your puppy up for a successful life together .
Th i s gu i de wi l l h i gh l i gh t s ome s imp l e t i ps t o he l p you r a i s e a puppy t ha t i s r eady f o r t he s ounds , s i gh t s , and s cen t o f a bu s y c i t y .
Introducing your puppy to the world in a positive way while they're young is crucial for a happy, well-rounded adult dog in the future. Lack of socialization during the critical "imprint period" can lead to a higher chance of behavioral issues when the puppy becomes an adult.
This means carefully and thoughtfully expanding experiences and making sure these experiences are viewed by your puppy as positive. If he / she is in the critical socialization stage, 7and 12 weeks, you will need to be extra careful when exposing your dog tonew sounds, people, and new dogs. Dogs learn in two ways - by association / emotion and by consequence / doing. Because of these two ways of learning, dogs see the world in two ways: What is safe / good for me vs. what is dangerous / bad and what works vs. what doesn’t.
For all socialization and proactive exposure training, take everything slow and let your puppy guide the pace. Keep socialization practice short and sweet, and start new exposure low and slow.
Back Belly Collar or Neck Face Ears Mouth / Gums
Thunder Fireworks Gun Shots Barking dogs Diesel Engines Loud Music
Being left alone 5 minutes left alone 10 minutes left alone 30 minutes left alone 1 hour left alone 4 hours left alone Car rides Crossing Over Bridge
Babies Toddlers Pre-teen Female Male Teens
Front Legs Hind Legs Holding / Hugging Paws / Nails Tail / Rear
Balloon Broom Vacuum Moving Objects Flags Home Robot Hula Hoop Kids toys Mirrors Paper and Plastic bags Wire crate Plastic crate
Dirt Grass Wet Grass Gravel, loose and packed Sand Tile Concrete Granite / Marble Slippery surfaces Metal Carpet Man Holes Wood Chips
Burning Wood Crying Babies Hunting Calls Banging of Pots and Pans Lawnmower
Men of all sizes Men of all ages
Sporting Event Birthday Party Holiday Celebration School Gathering Street Fair Seminar Picnic / Camping Beach Park
Crossing a Street Doggy Play date Elevator or Lift
Women of all sizes Women of all ages People of Different Races People Wearing Hats Post man Garbage man Fireman Policeman People in wheelchairs People with canes People with head scarfs People in costumes Vet / Vet Techs People in Scrubs
Vacuum Cleaner Washing Machine Garage Door
Going Thru a Tunnel Rail-Road Crossing Going up and Down Stairs Taking a Walk Kiddy Pool Water Sprinklers
Shopping cart Baby Stroller Bicycles Skateboard Scooter Surfboard Kayak Paddle Board Baseball Bat Gym Equipment Backpacks Suitcases Ice Surf boards
Doorbell Knocking Smoke Alarm
Puddles Moving
Sports Field Pond / Lake Restaurant Coffee Patio
Cold Mud
Vet Office Sporting Fields Pet Store Bowling Alley Skating Rink Drive In Theater Farm Boat Bus Soccer Field Coffee Shop Outdoor Patio Hardware Store Parking Lot
Pizza BBQ / Grilling Food Court Exhaust fumes Grass Paint Rubbing Alcohol Frying Egg Other Dog Food Gasoline (at a distance) Pool Beach
Bath / Shower Brushing Blow Dryer Combing Ear Clean Eye Cleaning
Camera Phones Fence
Nose Cleaning Teeth Cleaning Nail Filing Paws and Between Toes Towel Dry
Did you know that mental stimulation is just as important if not more important than walking your dog? Making your dog work for their food will be rewarding, mentally and physically. Instead of feeding them in an easy boring bowl, take a portion of their food to use as a training opportunity and the rest in an interactive feeder. You can purchase on Amazon or DIY. As your puppy works on their enrichment project you can take some time to catch up on your to do list. Most think if you want to tire a puppy, you take them for a long walk. However, the more exercise your puppy gets the more fit they become. Next thing you know your 20 minute walks are an hour and a half and your puppy is still not tired. To be honest, there are few humans that can really keep up with the energy of a puppy. Ditching the bowl is accessible to everyone: the raw feeders, those whose dogs require medication in their food, those with puppies, those with senior dogs. With a little bit of prior thought and planning, there is no reason why ditching the bowl should be difficult. Every moment has an opportunity for learning, and we miss so many of those moments and the opportunities they bring by putting our dog’s food into bowls.
So ditch the bowl and embrace the learning! You and your dog will never look back.
It is very common for a puppy to slightly miss the potty area; you will still want to reward your puppy for any effort around the potty station to encourage and motivate them. Keep wipes handy just in case. Once you have chosen a location and completed your set up, it is time to get started. You will want to bring your pup to the room where the new potty station is. You will want to encourage any interaction with the potty station; play a short game of fetch in the room;or toss a few treats on the floor in the room. Encourage any interaction with the new set up; if your dog sniffs or takes a step towards the potty station, reward with praise. You will need to supervise your dog at all times; tethering or confinement tools like a crate and exercise pen will help you keep an eye on your dog and watch for their potty signals. Some puppy's spin around or or sniff as a sign they may need to use the bathroom. Set a timer, every hour at first, to bring your puppy to the potty station. You may need to carry and leash your puppy to bring and / or keep them on the potty station. To teach your puppy to go potty on cue, you will want to name the action while they are going potty. Say the cue, quietly as not to interrupt their potting, and wait until they are done to praise, and follow up with a reward like a treat or their favorite toy. You should have several days of success before assuming your dog will go by themselves. With management and consistency your pup will be trained to go potty in no time.
Potty Training from a high rise building has its challenges. Hopefully, with a few helpful tips, we can help minimize those challenges. First choose the place you would like to train your puppy to go potty. Trying to get an puppy to eliminate outside by a busy city street with traffic and random dogs will be almost impossible. A grass patch such as Doggie Lawn; It can be delivered to your door and help make potty training a lot easier. Find a quiet space in the house to put the grass patch where there isn't a lot of foot traffic, so that your puppy can potty in peace. Places like a laundry room are perfect for a set-up. If you are leaving your puppy for a few hours, an exercise pens can create an excellent containment solution. A balcony can also be a great spot to set up a potty station. Some puppy's, just like humans, are afraid of heights so set the grass patch close to the door but out of the way so the puppy does not track anything back into the house. Find a reinforcement your puppy loves and will want to work for, such as a favorite toy or treat. Be sure to keep the treats and toy out of sight and only take them out after potty time. Place poop bags and trash can near by so you can quickly get rid of waste; we prefer trash cans with a lid and liner so we can throw the entire bag away every couple of days.
MANAGEMENT Beneifts of Good
The bene f i t s o f good managemen t a r e unde r - r a t ed . Manag i ng a s i t ua t i on r a t he r t han t r y i ng t o change you r dog ’ s behav i o r i s s ome t ime s t he ea s i e s t answe r t o a behav i o r p r ob l em f o r bo t h you and you r dog .
An e x amp l e o f u s i ng managemen t i s r emo v i ng p r e c i ou s ob j e c t s t ha t you r puppy mi gh t mi s t a k e f o r c hew t oy s . Remo v i ng t emp t i ng f ood f r om t he k i t c hen c oun t e r i s a l s o a g r e a t e x amp l e o f u s i ng managemen t . T he ma i n pu r po s e o f c r a t e t r a i n i ng you r puppy i s t o p r e v en t t hem f r om ge t t i ng i n t o t r oub l e o r ha rmi ng t hems e l v e s . I t c an a l s o be v e r y he l p f u l f o r t he pu r po s e o f p r e v en t i ng unwan t ed beha v i o r s .
E x amp l e s o f managemen t : e x e r c i s e pen , baby ga t e , mu z z l e , l e a s h , w i ndow c o v e r i ng s and c r a t e s .
As a new puppy parent , i t ’ s impor tant to know and recognize calming s ignal s in your puppy. Recognizing a calming s ignal i s the bes t way to help de-escalate a s i tuat ion for your puppy before they become even more uncomfor table. A Puppy uses calming s ignal s to say " I 'm s t ressed out , can we go now?" Calming s ignal s are meant to clear ly communicate meaning; unfor tunately some parent s mi ss thei r puppy' s cry for help unt i l i t escalates into something more vocal . Some s ignal s can serve as a s t ress release, such as the shake of f .
Lip Licking Shake off Paw lift Stretching
Look Away Pacing Sniffing Scratching
Big Yawn Blinking Lowering the tail Sneezing
All dogs should have a safe place, such as a crate or mat that they can go to when they want to be left alone.
Dogs learn by performing behaviors that result in something pleasant. The more often the dog performs a behavior that results in something pleasant, the more likely their is to repeat that behavior.
Sometimes simply ignoring or not reinforcing a particular behavior with your attention may extinguish some unwanted behaviors.
The investment you make giving your puppy a good learning foundation will pay off throughout their life.
THE LEARNING PROCESS Canine Learning Academy is based on the principles of classical conditioning; Pavlov’s dogs salivated at the sound of a bell because they had learned to associate the bell with food, and operant conditioning; Skinner’s pigeons performed a series of movements in order to receive food. Capturing involves waiting for your dog to perform a behavior that you wish to strengthen. The moment your puppy performs the desired behavior without incentive, mark and reward your puppy. For example, if you wanted to teach your dog to lie down using capturing, you would wait until he chooses to lie down, mark and reward your puppy.
Consistency in Training - In order for your dog to clearly understand what you expect, your training must be clear and consistent. This also means that the whole household needs to be on the same page.
Puppies have short attention spans, so training sessions should be brief, but should occur daily. Some of the basic behaviors you want to reinforce: Reinforcement - The timing, strength, and type of reinforcement used to communicate with your dog is critical to the outcome of what your dog learns. A behavior is strengthened when a reinforcement occurs every time.
Say Please- Teach your puppy to sit instead for anything they want. Follow- Introduction of recall (come when called) Trade- Your puppy dropping what's in their mouth for another option, is a great way to teach drop and take.
Puppy Schedule & Routine When you first bring home your puppy you will want to establishing a routine. Your new puppy needs structure to feel secure, safe and know what’s expected. The best way to do this is to create a schedule and stick to it. Having your puppy on a routine, makes it easier for everyone in the family join in on the responsibilities.
To Do
Descr ipt ion
Go through the same door , go to your pot ty spot , say "Go pot ty! " and reward.
Pot ty
Feed by hand, interact i ve feeder , t ra ining sess ion, or use mea l t ime to he lp wi th a pos i t i ve soc i a l i zat ion exper i ence .
Meal Time
Human pl ay, fetch, tug, wa l k , or pos i t i ve Soc i a l i zat ion or exposure exper i ence
Exerci se/ Play/ S & E
Go through the same door , go to your pot ty spot , say "Go pot ty! " and reward.
Pot ty
Gi ve your puppy something spec i a l such as a Kong or a chew, when your are ready to l eave . Add 15 min week l y
Alone Time
Sample Schedule to Repeat until Bedtime
Yo Armendariz
Want to Learn More?
Is your cute, adorable puppy driving you crazy? I would love to help take away the stress that comes with raising a puppy, so that you can have peace of mind you're making the right decisions every step of the way.
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