Personnel Manual

• Have all provisions of the company manual been followed, including progressive discipline? • How have you handled similar circumstances in the past? Is termination consistent with the discipline imposed on other employees whose actions were similar to those of this employee? • What kind of overall record does the employee have? Has the employee been a chronic offender or an exemplary employee? • If the termination could lead to confusion or misinterpretation (i.e. Termination of an employee on maternity leave) seek competent local legal counsel BEFORE taking any final action. • Always think this decision through with the utmost care. Have you done everything to salvage the situation? 13.3.3 The Termination Itself • Always give the employee the real reasons for the termination. Allow the employee to explain or respond to the supervisor’s accusations, if applicable. Consider giving an employee who is about to be discharged the option of resigning. Make sure the decision has been reviewed and authorized by two persons. Instruct anyone involved to refrain from discussing the employee or the discharge. • Notify the employee of her rights to continued health care coverage and other benefits, and comply with these requirements (if applicable). • Generally, you should not take any action which might prevent a discharged employee from obtaining employment elsewhere. If a company calls for information regarding a former employee, it is a good practice to simply provide dates of employment and positions held. However, if the discharged employee was engaged in serious misconduct, such as theft, violence, or rape, seek advice from legal counsel before responding to the inquiry. • If you decide to contest an unemployment claim, do not treat the hearing lightly, as the unemployment agency’s decision may be significant in a subsequent discrimination suit against you. • If the employee agrees to waive her rights upon termination in exchange for monetary or other consideration, make sure the consent is voluntary and knowing . • Provide final paycheck, vacation pay, security deposit, etc. as applicable. 13.4 Exit Interview Conduct “exit interviews” when the termination is the employee’s choice. Have the employee sign a notice of termination that clearly states the reasons for and date of the termination. 13.5 Conclusion While it is no secret that our business is both challenging and exciting our commitment to excellence and professionalism is firm. To maintain our standards of excellence we must always regard our personnel as a precious asset. You cannot afford unnecessary employee dissatisfaction, nor can you survive the potential financial strain of a

MOLLY MAID Personnel Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc.

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