Beautique Med Spa - June 2019


501 N. Ware Rd., McAllen, TX 78501 956-664-1234


1. Ready for Summer?

2. Travel-Sized Fitness Equipment 2. Get the Scoop!

3. Brotox: The Best in Anti-Aging for Men

3. Fresh Finds

How to Stay Fit in Soaring Temps

Beat the Heat With These Tips

flexible and don’t push yourself too hard in the heat, as it’s easier to overdo it. If you start to feel ill, stop, rest, and take care of yourself. Your health is more important than finishing that last sprint. Indoor Workouts Picking the air-conditioned gym or living room is another option. It’s not only a more comfortable choice, but it might also be the safer one. When it gets really hot out, you’re not necessarily doing your body a favor by exercising outdoors, and you may even put it at risk for heat-related illnesses. You’re in good company. Celebs like Sofía Vergara and Jessica Alba opt for home workouts because of how flexible and adaptable they are. A few rounds of squats, lunges, and pushups, and you’ll understand how they get their toned physiques from the comfort of home. During the summer (and really, in any season), drink plenty of water throughout the day, not just during or after a workout, and find cool, shaded areas to get your fitness on.

The idea of working out in the summer can make you feel a little conflicted. It’s the season when you most want to tone up and maintain your fitness, but it’s often too hot outside to work out. You need a strategy to tackle summer workouts in an achievable and

safe way. Here’s how to do it. Get the Right Gear

Having workout clothes that breathe well and wick moisture away can make a hot-weather workout much more comfortable. A hat and sunglasses will provide further protection and cooling relief. If this sounds like an excuse to go out and buy yourself some cute, new gym clothes, you’ve got the right idea.

Aim for Early Morning or Late Evening Workouts

Avoid the hottest parts of the day and plan to either wake up very early for your workout or wait until the sun is setting to head outside. Interval-based workouts can be a good option. Remember to take plenty of breaks to avoid overheating. If only a long walk is realistic one day, that’s always better than no physical activity at all. Be | 956-664-1234

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