659 the “ sight” of thousands of churches and thousands of preachers and millions of dollars expended the gain is very small indeed. Divide 3,000,000 by 3 and we have 1,000,000, the gain for all the churches of America in one year. There are, according to this report, 323,- 834 churches in America. Now do a little figuring and the result is some what startling— an average of four and a fraction members added to each church in the United States in one year! And that means that hundreds of churches did not have one conversion, or one addition, during the whole pe riod! There are 195,513 preachers in the United States and in searching for the general average of ' increase per preacher the figure five, attended by a small fraction, is discovered! And that means hundreds of preachers have not only not added any members to the church in one year, but they have done nothing for three years! The trouble with some preachers is that they have stuffed themselves on Germanized theol ogy and speak with the voice of the Prussian Ass! And instead of being stirred to nobler living by the pro nouncements of these ecclesiastical rag tags and bob-tails, these spiritual no bodies, their hearers go out and commit soul suicide and become mouthers of ethical and sociological nonsense. Of course no church can be built up on the preaching of conceited notions in stead of the Word of-God. And churches cannot expect their pastors to preach the truth if the Church colleges and universities are “ infested” with profes sors who regard the Bible as nothing more than a splendid piece of fiction and so teach the young ministers who sit at their feet. Out with these traitors to the church and the Word of God! And when you call a preacher to take charge of your church— don’t do it un less he declares without stammering that he believes the Bible is the word of God.
THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S and nothing perhaps hut faith can gain say their arguments. But they are op erating in the realm of the intellect only, and totally lack any higher vision such as has been given to the greatest minds of all time. How far can we tolerate the vicious proselyting of these people among the immature minds of our college' students? Can our University afford to train young people to serve the world by de stroying their faith in the greatest Servant of all? The world no longer burns an agnos tic. It allows him to exist; but it is not in him that the hope of the world lies, but in Christianity alone— a Chris tianity with a Divine Christ— One who by His own testimony “ came forth from the Father.” “ For the Father Himself loveth you because you have loved me, and have come into the world ; again I leave the world and go to the Father.” We are not attempting here a proof of the Divinity of Christ. Were we to do so no doubt our very learned oppon ents would instantly drown our sopho- moric efforts in a shower of intellectual brickbats. It is their personal privilege to deny Christ’s Divinity if they can find spirit ual satisfaction in a purely human Christ. ' But it is not their privilege to tamper with ‘ the faith of those to whom the name of Jesus means something higher than that of John Locke or John Stuart Mill. LOUIS DOOLEY. ¿Its. ¿>t£ 'ês> 'à à BATHER HUMILIATING The following from a secular news paper is worth thinking about: The Year Book of the American churches, which has just been issued, shows an increase of 3,000,000 members since 1916. Just to look at that num ber in the aggregate one would think that the churches had made a big gain in the three years, but when viewed in
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