King's Business - 1920-06

582 ARCHAELOGICAL DISCOVERIES In the Biblical Review for January is an article entitled, “ The New Archaeo­ logical Discoveries and the New Testa­ ment Text.” In view of the thought of some that these new discoveries are cal­ culated to discount the authenticity of the text of the New Testament it is in­ teresting to note some of the statements of the writer, Camden M. Cobern, of Allegheny College. Of the antiquity of the newly discov­ ered manuscripts he says: “ We now for the first time have in our hands manuscripts written in the third cen­ tury, a hundred years earlier than any previously known, and these New Tes­ taments written long before the days of Constantine are in every essential like our own.” Again, as to the accuracy of transla­ tion, he says: “ Scholars are now uni­ versally agreed that the new discoveries have proved beyond doubt that the New Testament text was transmitted with re­ markable accuracy and scrupulousness, so that it can be trusted more confident­ ly than any other ancient record.” Again as to the theology of the early church period the writer further says: “ There is but one theology in the thou­ sands of early Christian documents and inscriptions which have been dug up from the first four centuries— the the­ ology of St. Paul. Christ’s Deity, virgin birth, pre-existence, and atonement through His death for the sin, of the world, are everywhere in evidence. These doctrines are not brought in as if they were a matter of controversy, but incidentally, as if they were believed by all Christians.” —There’s no bigger job---- that j)ou can do this side of Eternity than to find jlour friend and intro­ duce him to Jesus Chrict.

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S THE PASSION FOR SOULS Fleming mentions one John Welsh, often in the coldest winter nights, found weeping on the ground and wrestling with the Lord on account of his people, and saying to his wife, when she pressed him for an explanation for his distress, “ I have the souls of three thousand to answer for, while I know not how it is with many of them.” This kind of pas­ sion for souls is rare among ministers today, simply because many do not med­ itate on God’s Word and never come to realize what it means to be lost. “ SAVE THE RED-HEADED MAN” Four men were crossing a river when the boat was capsized and all were thrown into the water. A rescue party put off from the shore. A man who was standing on the bank was very much excited and shouted: “ Save that red­ headed man! Save that red-headed man!” When the rescue of all was com­ pleted, the man on the bank was asked the reason of his special interest in the red-headed man. He replied: “ He owes me one dollar and a half.” The creed of some churches has been, “ Save those who. will pay us for saving them.” It is right to work and pray for the salvation of the Anglo-Saxon, but we need to remember that it is our duty to save as well the black man and the man with the queue. The Bible throws great light upon the commentaries. When thé Word of God is as sweet as honey, the vanities' of time are as bitter as aloes.

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by tbe Blood o f tbe Son o f Man, but are ÿou pure from the blood of the sons o f men? Ezek. 33.

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