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Hot water fight in Champlain Township RICHARD MAHONEY richard.mahoney@eap.on.ca wants to change this method, arguing that a per-unit fee is fair.
approval process. However, council members warned the crowded township hall that the status quo is not an option. “We have got to find the money some- where,” said Mayor Gary Barton. Water and sewage rates in the munici- pality are to rise by nine per cent next year under changes that are expected to gener- ate $310,000 in additional revenues next year. Current revenues do not cover the costs of the sewage and water systems, which are in deficit positions. Landlords are hot about a change in the billing system, whereby charges will be lev- ied on individual dwelling units, rather than the current system whereby fees are based on the number of meters in a building. Now, consumers pay $109 every two months, plus a charge based on consump- tion over 28 cubic meters. The township about being injured while being arrested. “Basically, the investigation determined that the injuries sustained by the man were self-inflicted, and not caused by the actions of any police officer. Thus, there was patent- ly nothing to investigate,” relates Hudon. The SIU is a civilian agency that investi- gates cases of serious injuries (including allegations of sexual assault) and deaths involving the police. Pursuant to section 113 of the Police Ser- vices Act, the Director of the SIU is mandat- ed to consider whether a criminal offence has been committed by officers in connec- tion with the incident under investigation and, where warranted by the evidence, to cause a criminal charge or charges to be laid against the officers. The Director re- ports the results of investigations to the At- torney General.
“Landlords pay our fair share,” declared Aalders. “Do not shaft landlords,” she stated. A sweeping rate hike would be ill-advised, she argued. Some tenants do not have their own washing machines, and are obliged to use laundromats, she related. However, resident Jim Walsh argued that low water consumers such as himself were actually subsidizing tenants. “Some people are now paying more now than they would under the new rates,” relat- ed Barton, noting that the municipality has a “mish mash of rates.” Councillor Troy Carkner suggested that, in light of the controversy surrounding the rates, the township organize open houses so citizens could get a close-up look at its water and sewage facilities. Barton reiterated that Champlain may be forced to invest $2 million in the Vankleek Hill sewage lagoon and faces a $240,000 re- pair job in L’Orignal.
PLEASANT CORNERS | A simmering de- bate over higher water rates in Champlain Township boiled over last week when a group of landlords told municipal council that multiple-unit building owners were being used as “scapegoats” in the town- ship’s efforts to erase its waterworks defi- cit. Delegation representative Sibylle Aalders declared that the increases would “kill” communities in the municipality and drive landlords into bankruptcy. After a few heated exchanges, and a brief adjournment, council decided to delay a decision on the rate hikes, which have reached the second-reading stage of the HAWKESBURY | No charges will be laid fol- lowing an investigation into complaints filed against the Hawkesbury Ontario Pro- vincial Police detachment recently. The Special Investigations Unit was asked to look into two incidents and in both cases the independent body concluded there were no grounds for charges against the of- ficers involved, related SIU communications coordinator Monica Hudon. After an August 7 arrest, a 29-year-old suspect had complained of a “moderate in- jury.” The investigation was “closed with no reasonable grounds to lay charges against the subject officer,” says Hudon. In a November 21 incident, a 31-year- old British Columbia man also complained
Sibylle Aalders
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