
Youri Brouchkov Propriétaire/Owner Administrateur/Administrator

Rachel Langlois Relations publiques Public relations

Andrei Brouchkov Propriétaire/ Directeur financier Owner/Financial Director

2950, rue Laurier, Rockland (Ontario), K4K 1T3 613-446-7122, poste 160 • Téléc. : 613-446-7343


Learn what to do if a fire happens in your building. This is the best way to protect yourself and those around you. Talk to your landlord or superintendent. Know the emer- gency procedures outlined in the building’s fire safety plan. Every fire is different. Youmust act quickly when you hear the alarm or discover a fire. Youmust always protect yourself from smoke. Remember, most people die from the smoke, not the fire. Here is what to do if there is a fire in your apartment. Tell everyone in your apartment to leave, close all doors behind you, pull the fire alarm on your floor and yell fire, leave the building using the nearest stairway, call the fire department when you are safe and meet the firefighters when they arrive and tell them where the fire is. To go or to stay? Most of the time, the best thing to do in a fire is leave the building as soon as possible. But in some cases you may not be able to leave and youmay have to stay in your apart- ment. In either case youmust act quickly. No matter what your decision youmust protect yourself from the smoke. When you leave the building, check the door to your apartment. If smoke is entering from around the door, do not open it. If there is no smoke, brace yourself and open the door a little. If you see smoke or feel heat, close the door quickly and protect yourself. If the cor- ridor is clear, take your keys, lock your door, and go to the nearest stairway. Do not use the elevator. Instead, open the nearest stairway

door carefully. If there is no smoke, use the stairway to leave the building. If there is smoke, do not enter. Close the door and go to another stairway and open the door carefully. If there is no smoke there, use this stairway to leave the building. But if there is, do not enter. If there are other stairways, try them. If there are not, return to your apart- ment and protect yourself from smoke. When you are inside the stairway If you find smoke on your way down the stairs, leave that stairway as soon as you can. In some buildings, some doors leading from the stairway to the corridor may be locked. But at least every five floors the doors will not lock so you can leave the stairway. Use another stairway if it is clear of smoke. If you can’t use any stairway, return to your apartment if you can, or go into any corridor and bang on apartment doors until you find a place to take shelter. Never go to the roof. Smoke usually rises to the top of the stairway. Doors opening onto the roof are locked and you could be trapped. Remember, wherever you are, if there is smoke, get low and go under the smoke to safety. The air is cleaner near the floor. If you remain in your apartment, youmust still protect yourself from smoke. Stay in your apartment until you are res- cued or until you are told to leave. This may take a long time. Do not try to leave your apartment a long time after the alarmhas sounded. The longer you wait, the more risk there is that heavy smoke will have spread into stairways and

corridors. Your chances of survival are less. Keep smoke from entering your apart- ment. Use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place wet towels at the bottom of it. Seal vents or air ducts the same way. If smoke enters your apartment, call the fire department, tell themwhere you are and then move to the balcony. Close the doors behind you.

If you don’t have a balcony, go to the most smoke-free room, close the door and seal it with tape and towels. If necessary, open the window for fresh air. Show emergency personnel where you are by hanging a sheet from the window or balcony. Keep low to the floor where the air is cleaner and listen for instructions from authorities.

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Merci à vous tous!! Thank you to all of you!!!


613-446-0200 Sur rendez-vous / By appointment

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