Agriculture Update

The Great DataCleanse

As part of our commitment to ensuring you receive the relevant information in the format you prefer we have been contacting everyone in our database. If you have received an email or letter from our data team asking you to confirm your contact details we would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to check the details we hold for you are correct and let us know of any changes. We also need to check that you are happy to receive information about our news, events and publications, so we are also asking you to provide us with your marketing preferences.

For more information, or to change your marketing preferences please contact or call us on 01473 267000.

Call: Cambridge: 01223 928065 Colchester: 01206 838400 Diss: 01379 643444 Ipswich: 01473 267000 Visit: www. scruttonbland


Scrutton Bland Financial Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 0180/12/2017/CB

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