Orange County Insight July 2023

Public Works Staff Undertake Renovations Projects

By: Orange County Communications & Public Works

Hold on to your hard hats – Public Works is in renovation mode !

Public Works is currently coordinating renovations to seven out of fourteen facilities, and approximately 35,250 square feet in total. While the scope varies for each building, the majority of spaces are receiving upgrades to flooring, paint, wayfinding signage, and redesigned office spaces.

While every project isn't without its challenge, we are excited to be working on revamping these public spaces for the community and staff. Stay tuned for the final results!

Animal Shelter:

The Animal Shelter is being updated – beginning with the kennel areas with new flooring, painting, and noise baffles be installed. In addition, HVAC upgrades will take place in early autumn to allow for better conditioning of the space. Offices, ancillary spaces, groom areas, and the medical wing will also be renovated for efficiency and to provide a more comfortable experience for visitors and staff alike.

Animal Shelter

Belleview Building:

The building ’ s interior will be reconfigured to house new offices, meeting rooms, and a learning kitchen for students. The building was built in the 1960s, and as a result, asbestos abatement was required prior to the commencement of any work. Interior renovations are currently underway.

Belleview Building

Rescue Station 23: Renovation upgrades have been completed in the lower level classrooms and new signage installed. Staff are working with contractors to renovate the upper bay, main bay, captain ’ s quarters, and main level classroom and lobby. Construction is antici- pated to be completed by winter 2023.

Berry Hill Station

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