Accounting is the process of collecting, organizing, maintaining, reporting and interpreting financial data about a business. That financial information is useful both to the business owners and managers in operating a business in a profitable and efficient way, and to outsiders like investors or creditors who require a picture of the business’ financial position and performance. In both cases the information is intended to make decision making easier: decisions inside the business about the use of resources and structuring transactions for the lowest tax liability, and decisions by outsiders about subjects like the granting or continuing of credit to the business. The information collection, organization and maintenance parts of accounting are called bookkeeping. The reporting and interpreting parts are called statement preparation. The complexity and sophistication of bookkeeping and statement preparation depend on the size and nature of a business and the size and nature of its markets and are beyond the scope of this publication. It is valuable here, however, to understand the way in which any accounting system, small or large, handles financial information. Accounting is the formal process performed according to a set of generally accepted accounting principles. In many cases the business can choose the principles to be used as long as they are consistently applied and any changes in the principles used are disclosed to users of the business’ financial statements. Certain industries have specialized accounting principles specific to businesses in those industries. Because both internal and external users will rely on accounting information, accounting systems contain definitional concepts and principles which both define and limit the nature and use of the information they contain. The business entity concept provides that for accounting purposes every business is separate and distinct from both its owners and from other businesses. Defining the business entity that way prevents distortion of the financial position of the business which might occur if information on the business owners or other related businesses were included. The going concern concept assumes that a business on which accounting information is being prepared will continue in existence and is not about to be liquidated. As a result the financial information provided offers only a snapshot of the business based on historical data and ongoing reporting rather than reflecting current market values.


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