support the minimum required sales level, we can rethink our position. We can consider changes to our business plan which will make the concept more realistic or we can search for another, potentially more profitable business opportunity. The desired income approach allows us to start up a business operation with knowledge of what must be achieved and the level of return we can expect for our efforts. To verify whether your target minimum sales are attainable, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate your potential market. Market research is an imprecise science, but basic research can be performed by most prospective entrepreneurs. Stated simply, market research is the orderly and objective gathering of facts about your market. It involves finding out how things are, not how you think they are or would like them to be. Much raw data already exists, but before this data will be of use to you, it is necessary to develop some basic definitions regarding your proposed business. The first of these definitions involves describing in detail the business you wish to establish and the industry it will operate within. Concerns here relate to the image you wish to project and the products and services to be offered. Your business image is the single most important factor in achieving target sales. Be careful to design an image that addresses a perceived market need, and do not select an image that appeals solely to you. Industry influences are also important and involve an assessment of firms currently operating within your industry and major historical trends. In addition, you should examine and define significant outside influences on your business such as government regulation, energy concerns, inflation and other economic factors. Many of these forces will be beyond your control, but they must be recognized and planned for. A full and complete analysis of your production capabilities should be developed. Your ability to satisfy market demand will be directly limited by your ability to produce, finance, sell and service. It is of little value to determine from the market that potential revenues can meet or exceed your target minimum sales volume if your production cannot match this needed output. Similarly, sales revenues are limited by the availability of working capital and by your ability to negotiate sufficient sales transactions. Indeed, you may determine that a substantial market potential exists, but you will need to consider the restricting impact of these internal factors. Next, you will need to define the actual market segment you wish to enter. Attempt to describe in detail the target customer most likely to be interested in your product or service. There is a definable portion of the population to whom the output of your business will be of special interest. This is your target customer and the focus of your market analysis. Target customers can be defined in terms of some demographic descriptor. Examples could include income level, home ownership, sex, marital status, age, occupation, education or any of a host of market-related characteristics. You will need to spend considerable time researching and defining a target customer profile, but this process is critical to further market analysis. Once you have arrived at a definite category of customer, you can begin investigating where your potential customers are and in what numbers. Basic demographic data outlining population size, density, distribution and other vital statistics is readily available from a variety of sources. A list of such sources would include the following: U.S. Bureau of Census, Chambers of Commerce, colleges and universities, and your local library, which contains sources for locating trade journals, directories and local and national trade associations. You will also need to develop a trade area based on geographic considerations. Defining your trade area involves making a determination of how far you can reasonably and profitably take your product or service out into the marketplace or how far you can expect to draw customers to your place of business. This trade area is related
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