to the type of business you are investigating and can range from a segment of a community to international dimensions. Within this trade area you will need to examine the population data you have researched to determine how many target customers are available. Of course, not all these potential customers will do business with you. The market deals with people and their constantly changing likes and dislikes which are affected by hundreds of influences. Competition within and adjacent to your trade area should be thoroughly examined. Attempt to describe who your competitors are and compare strengths and weaknesses with the business you want to operate. Become familiar with your competitors’ pricing policies and overall method of operation. You will be competing head-on for the limited number of opportunities within your selected trade area and you must have as much knowledge of your competition as possible. Do not neglect to analyze future competition. Market dynamics are not static and freely allow others to enter your market and to change and improve on products or services you will be offering. Keep in mind throughout all of your research efforts that verification of your target minimum sales is your goal. Ask basic questions about your business. How much does the average customer spend in a typical sales transaction? How many sales transactions are required to meet your target minimum sales? Does your knowledge of the market indicate that there is a sufficient customer base to generate the needed sales revenue? As mentioned previously, market research is an inexact process, but, with a desired income as your target and an orderly approach to gathering data, you can become aware of the magnitude of market opportunities. This knowledge will then assist you in making rational and intelligent decisions regarding your proposed business.
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