Value Added Stock Loan Program 651-201-6666

Helps farmers finance the purchase of stock in a cooperative, Limited Liability Company, or limited liability partnership proposing to build or purchase and operate a facility to process or

produce products from ag crops. AGRI Livestock Investment Grant 651-201-6458

Encourages long-term industry development for Minnesota livestock farmers and ranchers by helping them improve, update, and modernize their livestock operation infrastructure and equipment. AGRI Value-Added Grant Program 651-201-6135 Helps Minnesota processors add value to Minnesota agricultural products by helping underwrite equipment purchases and physical improvements. Dairy Business Planning Grant 651-201-6646 Grants encourage business planning and modernization activities and other improvements on Minnesota dairy farms and also help pay for stray voltage testing. Specialty Crop Block Grant Program 651-201-6539 A grant program designed to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in domestic and foreign markets.

TAX CREDITS Beginning Farmer Tax Credit 651-201-6004 | mda.bftc@state.mn.us

Contact Minnesota Department of Revenue 651-296-3781 | individual.incometax@state.mn.us Credit provides tax credits for the rent or sale of farm land or a variety of farm assets to beginning farmers. This includes incentives for the sale of farm land. A Beginning Farmer is defined as: • A Minnesota resident who is seeking entry, or has entered into farming within the last 10 years • A farmer who will provide the majority of the labor and management of the farm that is located in Minnesota • Has adequate experience and knowledge of the type of farming for which they seek assistance from the Rural Finance Authority


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