17. Provide Form W-2 to employee and others. Form: W-2, Wage and Tax Statement Available from: Internal Revenue Service Filed with: Employee (three copies).

Social Security Administration (one copy). Minnesota Department of Revenue (one copy). One copy is retained by the employer.

How often:

At the end of the year, the employer must complete Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement (PDF) to report wages, tips and other compensation paid to an employee. A copy of this form must be given to the employee by January 31 for the previous year. If the employee stops working for the employer and requests the W-2 before the January 31 deadline, it must be provided within 30 days following the request. The employer must also send a copy of the W-2 to the Social Security Administration (SSA) by January 31. Employers can prepare and file up to 20 W-2s at a time at the Social Security Administration’s website. Using SSA’s online W-2 filing. Go to Employer W-2 Filing Instructions & Information . Employers can also print out all the necessary copies of the W-2 for their employees, state taxing agencies, etc. Also refer to Minnesota Department of Revenue Forms W-2 and 1099s . Forms W-2 and W-3 may be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service by ordering online at Online Ordering for Information Returns and Employer Returns.

18. Provide employees Employee Notice and Statement of Earnings ( Minnesota Wage Theft Prevention Act ) Form: Employee Wage Notice

All employers must provide each employee with a written notice at the start of their employment and keep a signed copy of the notice on file, as of July 1, 2019. The notice must contain required information about an employee's employment status and terms of employment. The notice must include a statement, in multiple languages, that informs employees they may request the notice be provided to them in another language. Employers are also required to provide employees in writing any changes to the information in the notice before the date the changes take effect.


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