MINNESOTA BUSINESS FIRST STOP Minnesota Business First Stop streamlines the development process for complex business startups, expansions or relocations that involve financing, licensing, permitting, and regulatory issues that overlap multiple state agencies. LAUNCH MINNESOTA Launch Minnesota provides entrepreneurs and emerging technology companies with financial assistance in the form of grants as a spur to business growth. Launch Minnesota works with private industry to create financial incentives and programming to demonstrate that Minnesota is committed to fostering an innovation ecosystem that draws global attention. It is a joint initiative with private businesses and nonprofit organizations statewide. A key goal of Launch Minnesota is to make the risks related to leaving a steady job to start a high technology company a little more manageable for entrepreneurs through: • A series of Innovation Grants for research and development, business liquidity, even childcare/ housing assistance • An Angel Tax credit to incentivize investments from venture capitalists in Minnesota startups • Education grants that empower community builders to train startups on critical skills in building a technology startups Beyond these incentive programs, Launch Minnesota seeks to bring our statewide startup industry together to create a stronger network of innovators in Minnesota, and to tell the story of our startup growth to the rest of the country. Interested parties should visit Launch Minnesota . VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICE Small Business Assistance for People with Disabilities People with disabilities who wish to start or continue operating a small business may be eligible to receive financial assistance and support through Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Vocational Rehabilitation services funding is available for start-up costs when a qualifying individual with a disability wishes to start a new business. Funding is also available to cover business stabilization costs when an owner’s disability forces changes to a product, service or method of operation, or when a disability causes suspensions or lengthy interruptions to business operations. Eligible costs must be identified on a business plan that is developed and approved in collaboration with a vocational rehabilitation counselor. These costs could include such things as occupational licenses, tools, marketing materials, insurance, equipment, stocks and supplies.


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