PCRs also: Help carry out SBA policies and programs Conduct market research
Assist small businesses with payment issues Provide counseling on the contracting process Commercial Market Representatives Commercial Market Representatives (CMRs) work to ensure that small businesses are receiving maximum practicable opportunity to participate as Federal subcontractors. CMRs perform reviews of “other than small” Federal contractors to ensure their compliance with the goals and objectives in their small business subcontracting plans. They provide training to Federal agencies and “other than small” contractors on subcontracting plans and their reporting requirements. STATE PROCUREMENT The state of Minnesota has a program for enabling small businesses and small businesses owned by targeted groups to participate in the state procurement process. Under this program, the state may set aside certain contracts for award to small businesses, may grant preferences for bids by small targeted group businesses, and may require state contractors to subcontract with small firms. The small business procurement program and the targeted group procurement program are administered by the Minnesota Department of Administration through their Office of Equity in Procurement (OEP). Information on becoming a vendor to the State may be obtained at Vendor Information . The Department maintains a Solicitations Announcements site with information on state contracts. Contact information for the Department of Administration is provided in the Resource Directory section of this Guide. Purchases from Small Business in General Each fiscal year the Department of Administration must ensure that small businesses receive at least 25 percent of the total value of anticipated total state procurement of goods and services, including printing and construction. In addition, every state agency must for each fiscal year designate for awarding to small businesses at least 25 percent of the anticipated procurements of that agency for professional and technical services. To be eligible for the small business procurement program, a business must have its principal place of business in Minnesota; be a manufacturer, manufacturer’s representative, dealer, jobber, distributor, contractor, or business engaged in a joint venture; not be a broker, third party lessor, or franchise; and comply with revenue or sales limitations for the industry established by the Department of Administration.
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