couples is less than 70 percent of the state median income for married couples; the owner resides in or the business is located in an area designated a “labor surplus” area by the U.S. Department of Labor; or, the business is a rehabilitation facility or work activity program. Also, the Department of Administration may designate a “targeted neighborhood” (so designated pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 469.202) or an “enterprise zone” (so designated pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 469.167) as “economically disadvantaged” for purposes of that 6 percent preference. The Minnesota legislature made changes to state procurement contracts to certified veteran- owned small businesses (businesses that are majority-owned and operated by veterans). The commissioner may award contract for goods, services, or construction directly to a veteran-owned small business without going through a competitive solicitation process up to a total contract award value, including extension options, of $25,000. Equity select also extends to direct award to certified targeted group and economically disadvantaged small businesses. All laws and rules pertaining to solicitations, bid evaluations, contract awards, and other procurement matters apply equally to procurements from small businesses. Before making an award under the small targeted group business program, the Department of Administration is directed by statute to evaluate whether the small business scheduled to receive the award is able to perform the contract. The determination includes consideration of production and financial capacity and technical competence. Note, however, that Minnesota Statutes provide that the state may use a “reverse auction” procedure in which vendors compete in an open and interactive environment to deliver the lowest price for goods or services. When the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration determines that a reverse auction is the appropriate process the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 16C.06 on solicitations do not apply. Registration as a vendor can be made via the state’s online vendor registration system. You will need a Federal Tax Identification Number and Minnesota Tax Identification number (if applicable) when you register. Being registered is not a guarantee that you will be sent invitations to bid or requests for proposals – only that your name will appear on a list as a potential vendor of the products you sell or the services you provide. LOCAL PROCUREMENT Businesses interested in selling their goods or services to local units of government should contact each locality. Outside the immediate Twin Cities area the local city clerk or county auditor is the best first step in determining the potential for sales to local governments. Contact information for the various federal, state, county, city and other procurement /purchasing certification offices are listed in the Procurement/Purchasing/Certification/Other Assistance section of the Resource Directory of this Guide.


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