Employment and Economic Development (DEED), MN Department of 180 E 5th Street, Suite 1200 St. Paul, MN 55101-1678 651-259-7114 | DEED.CustomerService@state.mn.us Financing Programs: Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Provides financing to help expand, add new workers, and retain high-quality jobs. 800-657-3858 Minnesota Job Creation Fund Provides up to $1 million after specified job creation and capital investment goals are achieved. 651-259-7483 800-657-3858 Emerging Entrepreneur Lo an Program) (ELP) Supports the growth of businesses owned and operated by minorities, low-income persons, women, veterans and/or persons with disabilities. DEED provides grant funds to a network of nonprofit lenders which use these funds for loans to start-up and expanding businesses throughout the state. 651-259-7338 Native American Business Loan Program Program supports the development of Native- owned and operated businesses and promotes economic opportunities for Native peoples throughout Minnesota. 651-259-7823 Provides business loans to companies that are affected when certain employees are called to active military duty and to individual veterans who have returned from active duty and want to start their own business. 651-259-7445 E xport Financing Programs: STEP (State Trade & Export Promotion Program) Grant Program 651-259-7485 State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) SSBCI.DED@state.mn.us Minnesota Loan Guarantee Program Guarantees up to $800,000 with a .25% guarantee fee on loans enrolled by approved lenders. Apply with an enrolled bank, credit union, CDFI, or nonprofit lender. Minnesota Reservist and Veteran Business Loan Program

Growth Loan Funds Loans from $100,000 to $400,000 based on 20 percent of the total investment in a defined funding round, not to exceed 12 months. Apply with DEED. Small Business Loan Participation Program Participations will range from $10,000 to $250,000. Apply with an approved lender. Automation Loan Participation Program Loans up to $500,000, 5- to 7-year term, 1 percent interest rate, private financing match required. Apply with DEED once source of private matching funds has been identified. Direct Investment Venture Capital Program / Multi-Fund Venture Capital Program Fund-level venture capital investments.

Tax Credits

Angel Tax Credit A refundable income tax credit to encourage investment in startup companies of certain industries located in Minnesota. 651-259-7599 | angel.credit@state.mn.us Border-Cities Enterprise Zone Program Program provides business tax credits (property tax credits, debt financing credit on new construction, sales tax credit on construction equipment and materials, and new or existing employee credits) to qualifying businesses that are the source of investment, development, and job creation or retention in the Border-Cities Enterprise Zone cities of Breckenridge, Dilworth, East Grand Forks, Moorhead, and Ortonville. 651-259-7415 800-657-3858 Seed Capital Investment Credit Program Provides tax incentives for investing in innovative business located in the Minnesota border cities of Breckenridge, Dilworth, East Grand Forks, Moorhead, and Ortonville. 651-259-7415 Data Center Sales Tax Incentives Companies that build data or network operation centers of at least 25,000 square feet and invest $30 million in the first four years qualify for valuable tax breaks. 651-259-7415 Greater MN Job Expansion Program Provides tax benefits to businesses located in Greater Minnesota that increase employment. Qualifying businesses that meet job-growth goals may receive sales tax refunds for purchases made during a seven-year period. 651-259-7434


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