West Central Initiative P.O. Box 318 Fergus Falls, MN 56538 218-739-2239 800-735-2239 | wci@wcif.org Service area: Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, & Wilkin counties. WomenVenture 165 Western Ave North, Suite 8, Office 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 612-224-9540 Beta Group is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to accelerate the success of Minnesota-based startups. 1330 Lagoon Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55408 Community Reinvestment Fund, USA (CRF) National non-profit organization with a mission to improve lives and strengthen communities through innovative financial solutions. A leading Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)

Census Bureau, U.S .

Chicago Region Office 1111 W. 22nd Street, Suite 400 Oak Brook, IL 60523-1918 630-288-9200 800-865-6384 NAICS North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. Commerce, U.S. Department of Minneapolis Office of the U.S. Commercial Service 330 2nd Ave. S., Suite 410 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-348-1638 | offi ce.minneapolis@trade.gov Minority Business Development Agency MDBA Business Center 1256 Penn Ave. N, Suite 4800 Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-332-6332

Seed Capital / Other Beta.MN

801 Nicollet Mall, Suite 1700 West

Consumer Product and Safety Commission (CPSC), U.S. 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 800-638-2772

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612-338-3050 800-475-3050 Midwest Minnesota Community Developmen t Corporation (MMCDC)

119 Graystone Plaza, Suite 100 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-3034 218-847-3191

Business & Manufacturing Small Business Resources 888-531-9070

MNvest MNvest is an exemption from registration under federal and Minnesota state securities laws. By meeting the requirements of MNvest, companies may raise capital within Minnesota state borders.

Copyright Office, U.S. Library of Congress

101 Independence Ave. S.E. Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 202-707-5959 877-476-0778 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S.


Region 5 -Minnesota Laws & Regulations Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), U.S. Minneapolis Area Office Towle Building 330 Second Ave. South, Suite 720 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-552-7306 “Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal" Poster 888-972-7332 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 45 L Street NE Washington, D.C. 20554 888-225-5322 ASL Video Call: 844-432-2275

The U.S. government’s official web portal. 844-872-4681 USA.gov -Small Business The official business link to the U.S. Government. USA.gov-Government Benefits The official benefits website of the U.S. government. Sam.gov Federal business opportunities. Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Department of

Minnesota Rural Development 375 Jackson Street, Suite 410 St. Paul, MN 55101 651-602-7800


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