Minnesota State Bar Association 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-1183 800- 882-6722 MN Find a Lawyer Directory
CareerForce Virginia 820 North 9th St., Suite 240 Virginia, MN 55792 218-735-3740 | careerforce.virginia@state.mn.us CareerForce Wadena 124 1st Street Southeast, Suite 2 Wadena, MN 56482 218-631-7660 | careerforce.wadena@state.mn.us CareerForce West St. Paul 1 Mendota Road W., Suite 170 West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-554-5955 careerforce.westsaintpaul@state.mn.us CareerForce Willmar 2200 23rd Street, N.E., Suite 2040 Willmar, MN 56201 320-441-6590 | careerforce.willmar@state.mn.us CareerForce Winona 1250 Homer Road, Suite 200 Winona, MN 55987 507-205-6060 | careerforce.winona@state.mn.us CareerForce Woodbury 2150 Radio Dr. Woodbury, MN 55125 651-275-8665 | careerforce.woodbury@state.mn.us CareerForce Worthington 318 9th Street Worthington, MN 56187 507-295-2020 careerforce.worthington@state.mn.us CareerForce is partnering with the MN Department of Education to provide CareerForce Corner resources within a limited number of interested Minnesota libraries. Search in CareerForce Locations MinnesotaWorks.net An Internet-based self-service system where registered employers and job seekers can connect. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Program Provides economically disadvantaged teenagers and young adults between the ages of 14 - 21 with year- round employment and training services.
LegalCORPS Free legal assistance for small businesses and nonprofits.
1000 LaSalle Ave TMH331 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-206-0780 | info@legalcorps.org County Bar Associations / Other Assistance Anoka County Bar Association
Legal Assistance for Dakota County Hennepin County Bar Association 612-752-6600 | info@mnbars.org Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) 612-752-6699 | mnlris@mnbars.org Ramsey County Bar Association 651-222-0846 | info@mnbars.org Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) 612-752-6699 | mnlris@mnbars.org Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association Minnesota Native American Bar Association Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers Referral / Member Search Minnesota Lavender Bar Association info@mnlavbar.org Lawmoose Online legal reference library, online search engine focused on law related sites in Minnesota, and a Minnesota legal periodical index. Law Schools Mitchell Hamline School of Law Legal Practice Center Students represent low-income renters, prisoners, nonprofit groups, immigrants, and others. They assist parents in child protection cases, draft contracts, and file patent applications. 875 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 651-695-7672 888-962-5529
Minnesota Judicial Branch Self-Help Centers
Self-Help Center is a place where a person find helpful information, services and resources about your legal problem if you are not represented by an attorney. 651-435-6535
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