PREFACE This forty-third edition of A Guide to Starting a Business in Minnesota, like its predecessors, is intended to provide a concise, summary discussion of the major issues faced by those starting a business in Minnesota. This edition of the Guide contains three major sections: the narrative text; a Resource Directory, which provides addresses, telephone numbers, and website addresses of organizations referenced in the text; and the Directory of Licenses and Permits, which lists all business licenses and permits required by the State of Minnesota, the state agency which issues or administers the license or permit, and contact information. Topics presented in the narrative text are presented in the order in which the new business owner typically must address them. Note that a business that will have operations or a physical presence (with the possible inclusion of an Internet presence) in another state should check with the government authorities in that state to obtain information on licensing, tax and other issues. We hope this organization is useful. While no one publication can answer every question for every kind of proposed business, this Guide does respond to the questions and concerns most frequently raised. While it tries to be both timely and comprehensive, this Guide is not intended as a final statement on any one subject. In particular, users should be aware that the formal legal requirements for business start-up and operations may change from time to time. Specific updates and additional information may be obtained from the many sources listed. Before engaging in any business venture, it is advisable to seek both legal counsel and advice from an accountant. Both professionals can advise you as to the best course you might take in establishing your business. The information provided in this Guide is not intended to replace that kind of advice and assistance.

Charles A. Schaffer Madeline Harris Mark Simmer


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