
Carrefour santé Limoges • Limoges Health Hub

The Limoges Health Hub is now open to all

The Limoges Health Hub is the result of the hard work of a group of volunteers from Limoges who managed, in just six years, the feat of moving this project from dream to reality. “We have to recognize the work of the citizens’ committee, because it’s really incredible what they managed to accomplish in just six years,” said Étienne Grandmaître St-Pierre, Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) Manager, earlier this year. “Having funding to open a new health care access point in six years is almost half the time it normally takes, and then there’s almost no other place in Ontario where the government has opened its coffers to fund the expansion of services offered by community health centers. “ «Project planning has been a very long process and I am very proud to see this dream come true,» said Shirley Racine, president of the volunteer committee of Carrefour Santé de Limoges, at the official opening on October 13. «I am convinced that the residents of Limoges and our surrounding communities will benefit from these services.” The Health Hub in Limoges already serves a few hundred patients in each of its services and expects to receive more in the near future. It is a one-stop shop offering various health services

to the people of Limoges and the surrounding region. The building, which cost more than $ 5.5 million, is located at 601 Limoges Road. It was built and is also owned by Saint Joseph Developments. The Carrefour Santé covers an area of 15,000 square feet, spread over three floors and filled with state-of-the-art equipment. In order to equip and furnish the health center, the volunteer committee had set a target of raising some $170,000, an amount that has since been exceeded thanks to the generosity of local and regional businesses, organizations and individuals. The first floor of the Carrefour Santé de Limoges is home to the Guardian Pharmacy and Limoges Dental Center. The dental team consists of two dentists, Dr. Anastasia Tour and Dr. Chantal Plant, and a dental hygienist, Josée Greaves. Camil Lapalme and Todd Richardson are the two pharmacists for Guardian Pharmacy. The second floor houses the offices of the CSCE and Prescott-Russell Community Services. Two registered nurses, a registered nurse practitioner, a family physician, a health promoter, a kinesiologist, a mental health counselor and a registered dietitian complete the team at the Community Health Center. Prescott-Russell

Community Services will collaborate on projects with the Health Center while also managing their own projects, such as Meals on Wheels. The Nation Health Clinic is on the third floor and has five doctors. Three more physicians will join the team by 2018. At full capacity with the eight physicians, the health clinic will be able to

treat approximately 10,000 patients. The clinic will accept patients from the Limoges area and the surrounding Prescott-Russell municipalities. The health clinic also offers physiotherapists, mental health counselors, dietary and nutrition specialists, speech therapists and a certified foot care nurse.

MAINTENANT À LIMOGES Nouveau point d’accès du CSCE à Limoges : MAINTENANT OUVERT! Heures d’ouverture : Lundi : 9 h à 16 h 30 • Mardi : 9 h à 16 h 30 Mercredi : 13 h à 20 h Jeudi : 7 h 30 à 15 h 30 (prise de sang à jeun) Vendredi : fermé SERVICES OFFERTS SANS FRAIS

GROUPES OFFERTS • Programme de vélo de montagne et gesƟon du stress (en cours) • Groupe de sorƟes en raqueƩe pour les 50 + (hiver 2018)

• Club de marche (printemps 2018) • Groupe de gesƟon du stress et de l’anxiété (selon la demande) • Yoga thérapeuƟque (selon la demande) ÉQUIPE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE DÉVOUÉE • Médecin • Infirmière praƟcienne • Infirmière • Secrétaire médicale • Promoteure santé (kinésiologue) • Intervenant en santé mentale • Infirmière et diétéƟste cerƟfiées en diabète.

Services de santé physique, santé mentale, santé communautaire et Programme d’éducaƟon sur le diabète.

Pour plus d’informaƟon, pour vous inscrire afin de devenir client ou pour réserver votre place dans l’un de nos groupes : 613 557-2210 • 601, chemin Limoges (2 e étage), Limoges •


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