New Vehicle Weighing Laws - Mettler-Toledo

3 Applications and Benefits

Impact on legal-for-trade applications Dynamic vehicle weighing has the potential to dramatically improve the truck weighing process at operations who require legal-for-trade transactions. Previously, these facilities have required trucks to come to a complete stop on the scale to obtain weighments. Now, facilities can opt to install a system that will allow drivers to drive over the scale while still obtaining a legal-for-trade weight. This may be especially attractive to facilities that operate their own fleet of vehicles. Impact on checkweighing applications Although checkweighing applications are not required to comply with Handbook 44, they can benefit from techno- logies that are designed to satisfy SD-WIM regulations. Checkweighing applications that previously relied on axle scales can now opt for single draft weigh-in-motion to obtain weights that are more accurate and thus improve inventory control, etc.

Benefits of dynamic weighing The main benefit of weighing vehicles in motion is faster weighments. As observed in the comparison in the previ- ous section, weighing times are three times faster using SD-WIM scales than they are using a static scale. In addi- tion to increased site productivity and shorter truck lines, in-motion weighing can reduce vehicle wear and tear and reduce carbon emissions. Because the transaction is automatic, drivers do not need to exit the vehicle, increasing safety as well. Dynamic weighing is an especially helpful solution for sites where the truck scale is the bottleneck of the operation. Decreasing the amount of time on the scale can create a smoother process flow. This may be especially important if there are high vehicle volumes, peak times, or long wait lines for the scale. These types of conditions are com- mon at sites that perform aggregate, waste, agricultural, and chemical processing.

Benefits of dynamic weighing include: • 3x higher productivity. Complete more transactions per hour when drivers don‘t have to stop at the scale.

• Improved driver safety. Drivers do not need to exit the cab and cross traffic. • Reduced carbon footprint. Reduction in truck idling cuts down on emissions. • Reduced vehicle maintenance . Cut down on truck fleet tire and brake ware.



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