
Community Calendar


Counties schedule forums on official plan

CLARENCE-ROCKLAND Call for adult volunteers and serving or retired military members interested in con- tributing to the development of Clarence- Rockland’s youth and the 832 Squadron’s Air Cadet program. Interested parties may call or email Capt. Tina Burns at 613-293- 1380 or CUMBERLAND The Cumberland Lions Club hosts a spe- cial spaghetti supper fundraiser with a si- lent auction on Sept. 28, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Maple Hall at 2552 Old Montréal Road. Adults $10, children age 10 and under $5. Proceeds to go to the Lac Megantic benefit fund. The Cumberland Lions Club hosts Okto- berfest , Oct. 19, at the Maple Hall at 2552 Old Montréal Road. Doors open 5:30 p.m., supper at 6 p.m. Good food and entertain- ment in true Bavarian style with the Ottawa Rube Band performing. Advance ticket only $$30 each for a limited number of seats. Phone Charlotte at 613-265-8299 or Betty at 296-2860. More information at www. FOURNIER The Nation Seniors Luncheon, Sept. 24, noon, at the South Plantagenet Community Centre on County Road 9. Members $10, non-members $12. RSVP by Sept. 13 to 613- 673-2866. ROCKLAND Like to play darts? Rockland Friday Night Dart League welcomes new players of any skill level. Games are Fridays, 7:30 p.m., at Club Powers on Giroux Street. For more de- tails phone Mel at 613-229-5453. M & M Meats on Laurier Street hosts a charity barbecue for ovarian cancer re- search, Sept. 14, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tucker House hosts its Fifth Annual Green Gala, Sept. 14, 7 to 10 p.m. This social event of the season highlights the centre’s work in helping promote ecological learning and awareness as well as serving as a fundrais- er to support centre projects like the eco children’s camp, and a community garden. Tickets $45, available online at www.mai- or by phone to 446-5516. Rockland Skating Club hosts early regis- tration for the 2013-2014 season starting Oct. 19. Registration is Sept. 9 and 19, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Clarence-Rockland Arena. Registration for PrePower, CanPower, CanSkate, and StarSkate programs. SARSFIELD The Sarsfield Community Association hosts its fourth annual golf tournament at the Hammond Golf & Country Club on Sept. 27. Profits go to the Fondation de la relève agricole franco-ontarienne. For details phone 613-835-2608. WENDOVER Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover host a Pickerel Supper, Sept. 14, 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets $20 per plate. For more details or tickets phone Raymond Viau at 613-673- 4840 Robert Viau at 673-5868.

Official Plan that best reconciles the various interests of our citizens, our resources and the potential of our territory.” The UCPR has scheduled three open houses in Rockland, Oct. 23, at city hall, Casselman, Oct. 24, at town hall, and in L’Orignal, Oct. 30, in the counties chamber. Each public forum runs from 3 to 8 p.m., with counties staff attending to answer questions. A final public meeting on the OP review report is scheduled for Nov. 13, 1 p.m., in the counties chamber in L’Orignal. At the end of November the counties' planning

and forestry committee will review all amendments proposed for the OP during the public forums before making final rec- ommendations to the counties council. The UCPR will then present the revised OP to Ontario Municipal Affairs and Housing for review and revisions. The counties plan- ning department expects to have a final OP report for counties council to review and adopt by December. The preliminary report on the OP re- view, including appendices, is available for download at the counties website at www.


L’ORIGNAL | Residents who need to know what the official plan for Prescott-Russell is or who have ideas what it should be will have their chance to speak. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) will hold a series of public informa- tion and feedback sessions starting next month on the first draft report on the cur- rent five-year review of the official plan (OP). “Given the importance of the Official Plan, we wish to consider the expectations and concerns of the population with regard to land-use planning,” stated Warden René Berthiaume in a news release. “The infor- mation collected will be used to develop an

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