In response to the article entitled " SPORTSPLEX OR WHITE ELEPHANT” written in “THE Ti- Mousse's JOURNAL” dated June 28, 2012. According to Michel LaCasse and his friends the “musketeers”, “the previous administra- tion had used all possible procedures to prevent me from obtaining the relevant docu- mentation”. As you may have guessed since they blamed the previous administration on numer- ous occasions, and later proven to be wrong, this is completely false. Mr. LaCasse and his friends, the “musketeers”, did in fact receive all requested documents pertaining to the sports complex. However, when they realized that the agreement between the YMCA-YWCA and the municipality is quite favourable to the taxpayers of Clarence-Rockland, they attempted to Sportsplex or white elephant?
raise doubts as to the feasibility of the sports complex by writing false information in their journal “The Musketeers' ". In essence, the only thing they can do is: fudge the numbers, provide incomplete infor- mation, give one side of the story, laugh at others while trying to make themselves look better, blame others for anything, etc. We would like to bring things back to order in rela- tion to the sports complex. In the article dated June 28, written in « The Ti-Mousse's Journal », Mr. LaCasse mentioned that "the sports complex’s operational deficit is more than $20 000 per month and it's for life". Even with agreement in hand, they seem unable to correctly read the agreement. They should inform themselves prior to writing anything. Section 15 (A) of the agreement , reads as follows: " In the first five (5) years of this Agreement, the annual operational budget is to be re- viewed and recommended for approval by Council of the City prior to the consideration of the annual operational budget by the YMCA-YWCA Board of Directors. " Did Mr. Guibord take the time to read this agreement? During the last political cam- paign, Mr. Guibord clearly stated on numerous occasions that he was NOT a politician but a VERY GOOD administrator. Sad for taxpayers, but we have serious doubts as to his capacity to administrate. Now it’s your turn to decide. In addition, Section 15(B) of the agreement clearly stipulates that the YMCA-YWCA is responsible for reimbursing all amounts advanced by the municipality during the first five (5) years. The section reads as follows: " The City will pay for any operating deficits during the five (5) years start up period sub- ject to a maximum amount which is equal to the Annual YMCA-YWCA Sudsidy Cap (as per Schedule “G” Sudsidy Cap had been set at $439,355.00). Thereafter, the City will not contribute to annual operating deficits subject to any other terms of this Agreement. If the YMCA-YWCA Facility shall at any time during the Term realize an operating surplus, the surplus for any given year shall be paid to the City until such time as the total amount of annual YMCA-YWCA Subsidy Cap paid by the City during the first five (5) years along with all amounts paid under the Transition Agreement ($157,835.00) have been reimbursed. Thereafter, the City and the YMCA-YWCA shall share equally in any annual operating sur- pluses ". As mentioned previously, it is quite obvious that Mr. LaCasse and his friends, the “muske- teers”, are trying to justify in any way possible the fact that this current city council (com- posed in majority of “musketeers” friends) is accomplishing very little in the City of Clar- ence-Rockland other than studies costing thousands of dollars for taxpayers, for instance, GENIVAR Consultant, well known to certain members of the current council. Rather than writing articles with the sole objective of misleading the population, you should perhaps start training at the complex. In closing, Mr. LaCasse also forgot to mention many positive points attributable to the agreement signed with the YMCA-YWCA. Was this purposely done? Amongst others, the YMCA-YWCA has spent approximately $800 000 towards equip- ment for the sports complex , such as treadmills, stationary bicycles, weights, etc., certain members of the national rugby team regularly train at this beautiful facility, an agreement is in place between the YMCA-YWCA and Clarence-Rockland Family Health Team ” so that patients from our region can participate in rehabilitation programs, the YMCA-YWCA pro- vides bus service during the week so that young folks from rural areas can use the sporting facilities during summer holidays, etc. If you would like to receive a copy of the agreement or discuss it in greater detail, do not hesitate to contact us. You will realize firsthand what has been mentioned in this article. Frommembers of the former administration: Richard Lalonde, Jean-Pierre Chartrand, Kyle Cyr, Guy Desjardins, Garry Edwards, Francine Mault, Raymond Serrurier, Michel Thivierge
À sa création l’année dernière, le site de Facebook intitulé ‘’Citoyen de Clarence-Rockland citizen’’ s’était donné comme objectif de contribuer à une saine et vigoureuse démocratie dans la cité de Clarence-Rockland en : A. rendant les membres du Conseil municipal de la cité de Clarence- Rockland publiquement imputables de leurs décisions et politiques; et, B. en fournissant aux citoyens de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland la possibilité d’exprimer publiquement leurs opinions au sujet des affaires municipales de leur Cité. Le but premier de ce site était de doter les citoyens d’un outil qui leur permettrait de s’informer et de partager publiquement leurs opinions au sujet des affaires municipales. Entre autres, on y a retrouvé des critiques et des éloges au sujet des politiques et des décisions des membres du Conseil municipal. Parfois les critiques publiées envers certains élus et leurs alliés, se sont avérées sévères et nous croyons qu’elles étaient souvent bien justifiées. Toutefois, depuis le mois de juin dernier, le site, à nos yeux, a profondément At its inception last year, the Facebook site titled ‘’Citoyen de Clarence- Rockland citizen’’ set itself the objective of contributing to a healthy and vigorous democracy in the City of Clarence-Rockland by: A. making members of the municipal council of the City of Clarence-Rockland publicly accountable for their decisions and policies; and, B. by providing citizens of the City of Clarence-Rockland opportunity to publicly express their views about the municipal affairs of their city. The primary purpose of this site was to give citizens a tool enabling them to learn and share their views publicly about municipal affairs. Among others, comments published on the site include criticisms and praise for the policies and decisions of the City’s municipal council members. Sometimes the criticisms posted about some elected officials and their allies have proven tough and we believe they were often well justified. However, since last June, the site, in our view, has sunk deeply to an
sombré littéraire abominable! Entre autres, on y retrouve jurons et vulgarité, accompagnés de commentaires et d’attaques personnelles indignes et déshonorables, qui sont sans rapport avec les buts du site. Nous condamnons et dénonçons sans réserve l’état déplorable dans lequel le site se retrouve aujourd’hui, et nous croyons que l’utilisation récente de langage et de commentaires inappropriés, nuisent à la crédibilité du site et compromettent considérablement l’atteinte d’objectifs honorables. Membres depuis sa fondation, nous avons par conséquent quitté ce site, car nous ne voulons aucunement être associés ou perçus comme être associés à l’image déshonorable qu’il projette depuis un certain temps. Nous regrettons profondément que le site se soit éloigné significativement de son but premier, en permettant l’utilisation de jurons et de vulgarité. Un retour à la base et l’utilisation d’un langage dénuée de jurons, vulgarité et d’attaques personnelles indignes sont sans contredit nécessaires à rétablir la crédibilité du site à nos yeux. dans une forme abominable literary standard! Among other things, it contains swearing and vulgarity, with unworthy and dishonorable comments and personal attacks that are unrelated to the site’s goals. We denounce and condemn unreservedly the deplorable state in which the site is found today, and we believe that the recent use of foul language and inappropriate comments, undermine the site’s credibility and significantly compromise achievement of honorable objectives. As members since its founding, we have therefore left this site because we do not want in any way to be associated or perceived to be associated with the dishonorable image it has projected for some time. We deeply regret that the site has strayed significantly from its original purpose, by allowing the use of profanity and vulgarity. A return to the site’s fundamentals and the use of a languagedevoidof profanity, vulgarity and undignified personal attacks are unquestionably necessary to restore the site’s credibility to our eyes.
André Branchaud • Jean-Guy Giroux • Jean Yves Pigeon • Alain Saumure
28 100 copies
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André Branchaud • Jean-Guy Giroux • Jean Yves Pigeon • Alain Saumure
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