King's Business - 1969-11

Dr. Talbot's

many things the world does, yet come out unharmed, to a certain ex­ tent; whereas another follow ing in our steps would go down in utter defeat. Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians, saying that meat offered to idols was just the same to him personally as other meat — that is, it made no difference at all — but if another weaker Christian looking on, thought there was some significance in it, saw Paul eating and was hurt spiritually as result, Paul vowed that he would not touch meat as long as the world stood. The appli­ cation is plain; he cared fo r the in­ fluence he had upon other — espe­ cially young — believers. On the positive side, i f we truly love the Lord, if we find our jo y and satisfaction in His Word, then these worldly pleasures will not appeal to us. He will give us so much to do fo r Him, so many interests in the spirit­ ual life, that there will be neither interest in, nor time for, the things that dishonor or displease or ignore Him. POSSESSING PATIENCE Q. What is the meaning o f the strange expression o f Luke 21:19: “ In your patience possess ye your souls” ? A . The Lord is speaking o f the tribu­ lation which is to precede His re­ turn in glory to the earth, and is g iv ­ ing instruction to the Jewish rem­ nant in regard to life and conduct in that day. Among other things, He exhorts them to be faith fu l and to continue in His W ord which w ill give rest to their souls even in such an hour as that. It is a lesson fo r all o f us to learn to be patient under trial in these times as well. ETERNAL PUNISHMENT Q. I have been told by a Jehovah’s Witness that the references in the Bible to everlasting p u n ishm en t, eternal fire, etc. really mean a limit­ ed time. They even use the Greek word aionios to support this theory. A . It is very easy to check this error by consulting a Greek lexicon. The only possible meaning fo r aionios is : perpetual, eternal, forever, ever­ lasting. This is an example o f the distortion this cult practices. This very word is used in John 3 :16 , John 3 :36 , John 5 :24 , John 12:50 and other passages referring to our eternal salvation through Christ. Eternal punishment is as lasting, as eternal, as is our eternal life.


Q . Can you give me two or three Scriptures which / can use with those who attack the Trinity and the Deity o f Christ? 1 am constantly encountering these people. A . On the T rin ity : John 14:16 and Mark 1:10-11 include the Three Per­ sons o f the T r in ity : “ And I will pray the Father and he shall give you an­ other Com forter that He may abide with you forever” ; “ And straight­ way coming up out o f the water, he saw the heavens open, and the Spir­ it, like a dove, descending upon h im : And there came a voice from Heav­ en saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” On the Deity o f Christ: I Timothy 3 :1 6 : “ Great is the mystery o f godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justi­ fied in the Spirit, seen o f angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on the world, received up into glory” ; Hebrews 1 :8 , 10 where the Father calls His Son “ God” and “ Lord” ; and John 1:1-18. THE SEPARATED CHRISTIAN Q. What should be the Christian’s attitude toward earthly pleasures? I want to be a separated Christian but come in fo r ridicule even by other Christians. A . In the first place, we have the direct command: “ Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean th in g ; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daugh­ ters, saith the Lord Alm ighty” (II Cor. 6 :1 4 -1 8 ). Again, we have other very clear Scriptures, such as, “ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. I f any man love the world, the love o f the Father is not in him” (I John 2 :1 5 -1 7 ). Yet again we are urged to keep our gar­ ments “ unspotted from the world” (James 1 :2 7 ). By the world, the Holy Spirit means the God-dishonoring, Christ- rejecting, Spirit-resisting world. We are to be “ in the world, but not of it.” We are to mingle with our fe l­ low-men, seeking to point them to Christ, loving their souls, but hating their sins. In other words, we are not to find our satisfaction in doing the things that dishonor the name we bear. We are not to corrupt our minds, hearts or lives. In the second place, we are re­ peatedly exhorted not to do anything that causes the “ weaker brother to stumble.” Perhaps you o r I could do


SINGLE BLESSEDNESS SUPERIOR? Q. Why did Paul teach it was better to be single than married (1 Cor. 7:26-33)? A . I f you read this passage care­ fully, you will note first o f all that Paul gave his judgment — and did not claim in these verses that he was speaking directly from the Lord. It was his opinion that in the “ pres­ ent distress” (the very strenuous time in which he lived when the first terrible persecutions o f the church were beginn ing) it was best fo r men not to take upon them the responsi­ bility o f a w ife and children. He also brings up the matter o f the at­ tention that must be paid to a home which everyone acknowledges. Paul was a missionary, the first great m issionary to the Gentiles. Although some believe that eventually he did marry, in the account o f his labors one cannot imagine any time or place fo r domestic life. Paul himself con­ demned those cultists who taught that men should not m a rry : “ F or­ bidding to marry” (I Tim. 4 :3 ) and gave very clear instructions to young married women about loving their husbands and children (T itus 2 :4 -8 ). One ever needs to compare Scripture with Scripture fo r correct under­ standing o f it. Missionaries have often foregone the jo y and pleasure o f a home life fo r the Gospel’s sake. Single blessedness is not a superior spiritual state to that o f the married condition. Both should be in the will o f God.



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