Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities


Trees provide us with so much more than beauty. Because of the immense environmental services they provide, we consider trees the workhorses of the environment. On our home lots, trees provide us with cooling canopy and increased property values. Many homeowners connect quality of life to the size and species of trees growing on their lots. Trees help mitigate the impacts of climate change. They sequester carbon, intercept stormwater, and reduce the urban heat island effect. They are a natural answer to a multitude of problems. Dr. Alex L. Shigo, considered the father of modern arboriculture, noted that, “Trees are patient.” Indeed, trees take decades to grow to maturity and can take decades to decline from old age, disease, storm damage or insect infestation. Caring for trees on residential or commercial property is essential for their longevity. This is the first guide specifically designed to help homeowners maintain their portion of our life-giving canopy in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is based largely on Conservation Montgomery’s experience with Home Tree Care 101 classes that have been held throughout the county since 2012. The guide covers information for all homeowners and renters, but also focuses on tree and forest programs in Montgomery County -- where the Black Tupelo was adopted as the symbol of the official County tree in 2022. The guide is divided into two parts – how to care for trees and why we care for trees. Chapter 1 gives an overview of tree anatomy so that you understand the important parts of a tree as you pursue tree care. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss care of mature and newly planted trees. If a tree struggles and fails, despite our best efforts, Chapters 4 and 5 will help you navigate signs of trouble within an individual tree. In Chapters 6 through 8 you will find information about why we want to care for trees. We cover the benefits of trees, the state of our tree canopy and forest cover, and what the future looks like for increasing our canopy. We also include how trees are literally part of our history. Please visit the online version of the guide at . Montgomery County residents are clearly interested in tree care and preservation of trees, so much so that residents were instrumental in including tree canopy and forest cover as elements of the Montgomery County Climate Action Plan . As a taxpayer in Montgomery County – and as a homeowner, renter, homeowners’ association member or apartment dweller -- we hope you will use this comprehensive guide to maintain trees in your community as a healthy and long-lasting part of the local tree canopy and forests. For our physical and mental health -- and the wellbeing of our county neighborhoods – a robust and healthy tree canopy matters now more than ever. Let’s work together to preserve these cherished titans of nature. - Caren Madsen, Conservation Montgomery


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