Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities

This is the first guide to home tree care for Montgomery County, Maryland. It tells us why we want to take care of our trees and how. You can print directly from this format -- the entire document or a few pages. The website for the guide is under development and will be available at Please email us at with any questions or comments.

Parts of a Tree

Layers of a Tree

Tree Defense Mechanisms

A long-recognized benefit of trees has been borne out in numerous studies. Abundant tree canopy can alleviate stress and anxiety and provide an overall better sense of wellbeing. Research has shown that, in areas where there is easy access to nature, ...

As an example of how laws can yield results, before the FCL, there had been concern over significant forest cover lost in the up county. A 1951 aerial image of the county showed forest loss in the Agricultural Reserve. But in 2008, the same view shows...

● Since the Forest Conservation Law first went into effect in 1992, the Planning Department has approved development applications that have permanently protected over 12,500 acres of existing forest and more than 2,500 acres of planted forests within ...

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