Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities

Chapter 2 Maintenance of Mature Trees

Tree Inspection Awareness is key when caring for trees. And there’s no question that the lifespan of all trees can be extended with proper care. Get to know the trees on your property by observing them through each season. Learn what species they are and what characteristics are of that species. It will help you determine the proper care of each tree. Look at your trees from a distance and then close-up to check for signs of health and decline. Use the chart in Chapter 4 to assess whether pruning or a professional evaluation is needed. If a problem with a tree can be identified early enough, the tree might be saved and live for many more years. Diagnosis is typically best performed by a reputable Maryland Licensed Tree Expert (LTE) or a certified arborist.

Some of the most common symptoms of stress or disease within a tree can be easily spotted. For example, random shoots growing low around the main trunk of a tree indicate stress. This is called “adventitious growth” and warrants a closer look by a professional. Another sign of stress or decline is mushrooms growing at the base of a tree. You might look to see if sections of leaves are browning prematurely or if the leaves are smaller than other leaves on the tree. Before taking any drastic remedial measures, consult a Maryland LTE.

Mushrooms at a tree base can indicate stress for the tree.

Watering Recommendations One of the simplest but often overlooked ways to care for your trees is watering. The correct amount of water and the timing is critical from spring through early autumn and in dry winters. Mature trees may not need regular watering except during periods of extreme drought. Overwatering can harm a mature tree that has adapted to soil conditions. Water no more than one or two times a month to soak the top 18 inches of soil. You can use a screwdriver to dig down and check the top six inches of soil. If it’s wet, there may be no need to

Aim for the dripline of a mature tree when watering.


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