Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities

Removal If a consulting arborist or LTE determines that your tree should be removed, that is another time to make sure you have a trained professional involved. Unless your tree is a small sapling, removal should be in the hands of a licensed professional. After a tree is removed, you can have the stump of your tree ground by the company taking care of the removal. A new tree cannot be replanted when a stump is in the same location as your desired planting site. As an alternative to removing the stump and replacing the soil to replant, you can also look for a nearby location to plant a new tree. Left in place, a stump can provide a few organic benefits as the stump decays. By caring for your trees and replanting as needed, you can take a proactive role in maintaining a healthy tree canopy in Montgomery County.

Removing a large tree is safest for a professional to handle. Image: Peterfactors/

The only way to make room for a new tree is to have the stump of the former tree ground.


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