Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities

Chapter 7 State of Tree Canopy and Forest Cover in Montgomery County

Importance of Our Urban Forest and Tree-planting Programs Trees are a natural solution to a lot of our environmental dilemmas. They are one of the most important natural resources we have, and they are one of our renewable resources. Tree canopy is defined as the layer of leaves, branches, and stems of trees that cover the ground when viewed from above. Most of the following programs are referenced earlier in Part 1 of this guide but read on for more details about the policy and importance of support for each program.

The urban forest is a collection of trees in developed areas such cities and suburban areas. xlv Because of their proximity to cars, pollution, compacted soil and harsh conditions, urban trees can take a beating. It can be a challenge for them to survive, much less thrive. But every urban tree provides a wide array of benefits to our communities including managing stormwater, reducing the urban heat island effect, and providing mental and physical health benefits. And the good news

is that part of the urban canopy is right on your property, where you can maintain and protect your trees. Montgomery County’s urban tree canopy is a vital asset for residents. A recent analysis of our local tree canopy found that tree canopy represents 45.46% of all land in the County. Unfortunately, tree canopy is not evenly distributed county-wide. Some urban sections of the County have as low as 8-13% canopy. xlvi An additional 136,888 acres of the County could theoretically be modified to accommodate tree canopy. Although we have made strides to increase urban canopy, we can do more. The Montgomery Planning Department notes that a 25% average canopy is preferable for high-density urban districts. xlvii In 2013, Montgomery County enacted the Tree Canopy Law, which helps ameliorate the negative impacts of development by requiring shade trees as mitigation. The Law requires mitigation in the form of planting shade trees or fees can be paid in lieu of mitigation. Fees paid are required to be used solely for planting and establishing shade trees in the County. As mentioned in a previous chapter, Tree Montgomery is the County program established to plant shade trees and raise awareness of environmental concerns related to the tree canopy. The program emphasizes the wide array of benefits of shade trees by installing them, for free, on private property, HOA lands, multifamily properties, businesses, public and private schools, congregations, and county facilities. Through the end of FY23, Tree Montgomery planted more than 11,000 shade trees across the county. Tree Montgomery also provides guidance for watering and aftercare to most property owners. Trees installed at schools and within some HOAs are also provided with water and aftercare. All trees that are planted by Tree Montgomery are inspected every three years. This urban forest is right off Sligo Creek Parkway in Montgomery County, within the local Sligo Creek watershed.


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