Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities

What You Can Do to Help Your Trees and Tree Canopy in Your Community lviii • Plant trees around your home or business and keep healthy native vegetation alive. It helps filter urban stormwater runoff, cools the air, and provides habitat for wildlife in your back yard. • When an older tree is in decline, plant a new tree on your property. Remember that trees are patient. It will take years for your older tree to complete its lifespan, and years for the new tree to mature. • Take advantage of the variety of free tree and forest planting programs that are available. • Is a street tree in decline? Or has a street tree been removed in your neighborhood? If you want a tree planted adjacent to your home, call 311 or go online to make a 311 request to have MCDOT plant a new tree. • Keep your trees watered, especially during hot, dry summers. Mulch properly. No volcanos! • Install protective fencing to prevent young trees from deer damage. • Prune older trees in your yard and keep an eye on young trees to make sure a central leader is there and not competing with other co-dominant branches. Review our tips on structural pruning to keep your young trees thriving. • If your older trees have large multiple trunks, cable them to help them live a long life. Cabling must be done by a Licensed Tree Expert with a reputable company. • Remove invasive vines from your trees. Do it carefully so you won’t damage the bark. • Hug your trees. Yes, hug them. Touch them and show them some love. You will be surprised by how much you learn by close contact with a tree. • Pay attention to efforts to improve Montgomery County tree laws. Sign up to testify at County Council hearings or hearings at the Montgomery County Planning Board. Email to be placed on an email list for Action Alerts when new legislation has been drafted and is under review. • Take a Home Tree Care 101 class and walk around your neighborhood with a tree expert to learn more. Visit to learn more about Home Tree Care 101 classes.


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