Mission Partners Book Spring 2023

The prayer booklet represents a meaningful opportunity for you and your entire family to pray for one or more of our church family mission partners.

Global Mission Partners Booklet Spring 2023

Reaching the World for Christ


A Prayer Guide

How to use this book.

The prayer booklet you hold in your hands represents a meaningful opportunity for you and your entire family to pray for one or more of our church family mission partners. Keep the booklet at your dinner table, next to your bed or the place you usually conduct your devo- tional or study time and take a few minutes to get familiar with the mission partners and pray for them. Each mission partner represents an expression of obedience to Jesus and the glory of our Lord. We desire that through the gift of prayer, we can be united with them and willing to build a personal relationship, as we get to know them better. As a church, we praise the Lord for the long and lasting history of missions and the privilege we have to continue recruiting, supporting and sending missionaries to make Christ known in Rogers and around the world.


NorthRidge Family,

We believe strongly God grows us to be more like Him when we join in His work in the world. We serve in missions to connect us with God’s work outside of our walls, our town and our nation. Some are called to go, others are called to pray, and others are called to support through giving. No matter the calling, it’s about taking Jesus’message to all parts of the world.

If you have questions, please reach out to:

Missions Pastor Dan Monson

Missions Ministry Leader Dale Dimitroff



Do You Feel Called to Missionary Advocacy?

Many of our missions partners find themselves in a remote location, with little to no Christian interaction and support. They can become isolated and lonely without the fellowship of other believers. Scripture encourages us to remember and care for those we partner with and send out (3 John 1:5-8). NorthRidge Fellowship Advocacy Teams provide proactive care and encouragement for our missionaries. They are also the champion for the missionary and their work to the church body and church leaders. These teams remain in contact with a missionary and seek to meet practical needs while also being a place where the missionary can be open and honest with their struggles. If the need for care goes beyond what the advocate canprovide,theAdvocacyTeamistheconduittogettheseneeds communicated to church leadership and the congregation. If you or your small group feel called to lead or support a NorthRidge Fellowship Missionary Advocacy Team, please contact our Missions Ministry leaders at missions@nrf.life.


Table of Contents

Mission Partner



Jim & Lisa Black



Aaron & Becky Bryant



Joe Burton

Isaiah Connection


Geoff C.



Alissa Foreman

International Messengers


Ted & Alya Foreman

International Messengers


Matt & Jaci Hutchcraft

Send International


Todd & Karen Indehar



Brandon & Kristi Kosse

World Venture


John & Andrea Nargan

Converge North America


Ryan & Kristen O’Leary

Converge North America


Rob & Jackie Passer

Reach Global


Rob Watlov

Legacy Fishing Retreat


Chris & Denise Williamson MARC


Steve & Alice Yatckoske

Oak Hills CIM



Jim & Lisa Black Africa

The very day that the Father drew me to Jesus, I knew that He was calling me to serve Him but I did not understand that call right away. During my years in Bible college, I came to understand my calling to cross cultural missions. Lisa and I spent 8 years as resident missionaries in Nigeria and I have traveled to and around parts of West Africa and East Africa for many years now, preaching the gospel, training leaders, distributing Bibles, and looking for ways to see gospel movements begin and spread throughout the continent. Prayer Requests 1. That the Lord of the harvest will send workers into these difficult places. 2. An increase in our current global workers funding. 3. That others will partner with us in whatever ways the Lord leads.

Contact Info


315 Churchill Street

Jim 1/19, Lisa 11/21

Rockford, IL 61103 jimblack59@gmail.com



Aaron & Becky Bryant Paraguay, South America

Aaron and Becky both grew up with missions as parts of their experience. Aaron’s father was a church planter in Philadelphia and later a pastor in Wisconsin. Becky grew up in Ethiopia where her parents served as mission- aries. Aaron and Becky were married for about ten years, having worked in education, when God tugged on their hearts to step out of their comfort zone and into full-time ministry, specifically

missions overseas. Through a series of miraculous and life changing events, they found themselves heading to Paraguay in 2018. They currently work closely with rural church leaders to both serve and equip them to lead well, live in missional ways, and challenge and encourage them to plant churches and build disciples in their neighboring towns.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for our ongoing language learning in both Spanish and Guaraní. 2. Pray for our kids as they go to school, deepen relationships, and to continue to be rooted in their identity in Christ. 3. Pray for the continued growth of the church in Paraguay. 4. Pray for more leaders, deepening faith, and a growing unity among the small churches. 5. Pray for the towns and villages dotted all over the countryside that are without a church or any believer in their towns. 6. Pray for more missionaries to come and reach these unreached areas Contact Info Birthdays 29130 Crooked River Road Aaron 5/1, Becky 6/2 Pine City, MN 55063 Samuel 3/27/06, Henry 3/28/09 aaron.bryant@sim.org Elliot 3/4/14, Abraham 6/2/16 Theo 6/2/16



Joe Burton Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Honduras, Minnesota, Africa

God placed His Kingdom on my heart over 20 years ago “Connecting People Around the World, Serving Together, to Make a Difference” by partnering and walking along side communities where God is at work through the building of ongoing relationships and discipling people and families, young and old, in the name of Christ!

Prayer Requests 1. To be used as a vessel for Christ in bringing the Gospel message of salvation to the world 2. To build long lasting Christ-centered relationships with the people and communities we serve 3. To find more prayer warriors 4. Find more people to step out in faith and just go! 5. To find more donors/monetary supporters

Contact Info


3500 N. Harrison Road

Joe 2/5, Debra 8/1

Tucson, AZ 85749 joeburton@isaiahconnection.org



Geoff C. Mediterranean Region

God has placed a love for Muslims and unreached people groups on our hearts. In 2011 we moved to serve Muslim immigrants in Southern Spain with our three kids. Since then, our family has grown to six kids and our heart has grown to, “Ask God for a Gospel movement among every least reached people group in every country that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea.” We now lead the Great Sea Initiative for Converge International Ministries. Prayer Requests 1. For a gospel movement in each of the nations around the Mediterranean Sea. National leaders, cross cultural workers, and prayer warriors are needed. 2. Strength for the Christian minority in Turkey to serve their community and country in the name of Jesus and wisdom about how to come alongside them.

3. A strengthening of relationships with Egyptian Church leaders and discernment for the right people to invest in for Gospel movements. 4. For us to be an encouragement to our persecuted brothers and sisters and wisdom about potential partners in Tunisia. 5. Safe travel for me and my family. 6. Immediate and long-term financial needs.

Contact Info


767 Johnson Street

Geoff 12/4, Michelle 3/22

Anoka, MN 55303

Luke 5/2/03, Thomas 7/13/05


Samuel 9/15/07, Gabriel 6/20/12 Isaac 11/25/14, Tirzah 3/7/21



Alissa Foreman Romania

I grew up in Minnesota and gave my life to Jesus in junior high. I attended NorthRidge Fellowship and helped with the youth for many years. A ministry to orphans had been put on my heart since childhood when God answered my family’s prayers in adopting my brother from Romania. Since then, I had a hope to start a home for girls aging out of the orphanage, to help them get on their feet and hear about the Gospel. I am now working with all ages of kids in siblings groups, hoping to take a family group into placement, sharing the Gospel and being a family to the kids who have been abandoned. Prayer Requests 1. That an urgent meeting is scheduled, the head of immigration’s heart would be moved and grant me residency so that the kids will be able to stay with me permanently.

2. Protection for the two kids, and that God would continue to open doors. 3. Relationship with my collegue will glorify God in this process, especially as the older girl watches us interact through difficulty. That she will see God working in the amazing things that have been lined up for this to happen.

Contact Info


Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 10, Apt. 7

Alissa 7/22

Judet Bihor, Oradea, Romania 410203 a.m.foreman@gmail.com

Alissa’s Blog: alifeundaunted.com


Ted & Alya Foreman Ukraine

As the Ukraine war continues on we are trying to be obedient to God and serve him alongside our small church. The needs of the people are very many and we will continue to be here as long as God allows us. At our church, we continue to feed several hundred people. While many come for food, some also come to a Bible study and Sunday service.

In October we had a day camp in a poor village for the children. We played games, laughed, discussed the Bible and shared the Gospel.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that people would come to a saving faith in Jesus. 2. Pray for Ukraine and God to end this painful war. 3. Pray for our team, God’s leading and all needed resources to help people. 4. Pray for our marriage to stay strong.

Contact Info


Please contact missions@nrf.life for information



Matt & Jaci Hutchcraft Minneapolis, Minnesota Sacramento, California

The Hutchcraft family has been with SEND International for 17 years, spending 2 years in Ukraine and 8 years in Russia. Now state- side, Matt is working to mobilize churches, teaching Kairos courses, encouraging, and equipping them to see the cultures that God has placed right on our front door. Also, because of these trainings Matt has

been able to help Slavic churches in California reach out to Afghans. Matt is also working with the Slavic churches around the US to train and send missionaries around the world, many places where western people are not able to go. God has also called NorthRidge Fellowship’s Leslie Miehe and Carmen Cruz to full time missions to work with immigrant communities here in the Twin Cities under Matt’s leadership. Prayer Requests 1. Our protection; shelter us and keep us strong. 2. Rest and rejuvination that only God can give.

3. For churches to catch the heart of the Father to reach the nations. 4. Continued deepening of our relationships with immigrant contacts and opportunity to share the truth of the good news.

Contact Info


1801 Boots Circle

Matt 12/25, Jaci 10/26

Buffalo, MN 55313 Anya 1/7/05, David 9/17/07, John 12/5/11 hutchmatt76@gmail.com Johanna 1/10/16, Ezekiel 4/25/19



Todd & Karen Indehar Thailand

Over 18 years ago, God called our family from Minnesota to Thailand bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Thai people, make disciples, and plant churches. We are leading a project called the Thailand Church Planting Movement project as missionaries with Converge. Currently we are building a team and laying groundwork to launch a gospel movement in northern Thailand. We are also beginning to engage with a people group in that area that has no believers and no one planning to go tell them the good news of Jesus Christ. Prayer Requests 1. For our adjustment to life and ministry in northern Thailand. 2. For God to open the hearts of the many children, teachers, parents, and others that through faith in Jesus Christ are saved! 3. For God to help us with our other work that we do with teaching, preaching, coaching, mentoring, and serving the Thai church. 4. For us to stay close to God as we read the Bible, pray, and worship God every day.

Contact Info


6320 Dawn Way

Todd 4/11, Karen 11/5

Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 tindehar@gmail.com



Brandon & Kristi Kosse Vienna, Austria

By God’s grace, He got my attention early in life. On a youth group missions trip to Mexico, I felt a stirring in my heart. I even felt bold enough to tell the little church fellowship we were serving, “I think God is calling me to serve someday in full-time missions work!” It has been a crazy adventure- journey to finally get here in Austria, with lots of growing and learning along the way, but I am so thankful to be in His service, working alongside

Him, doing what He has called me to do (not to mention being able to work next to my favorite person in the world - my wife!) He is good, and I pray many Austrians come to personally know His goodness. Prayer Requests 1. Spiritual growth for each of our new Bible school students; discernment for us as staff as we walk with them in their faith journey this year.

2. Wisdom as we continue preparing to lead the marriage ministry at our church; Jesus to move the couples to attend who would most benefit from the seminars. 3. Financial provision for our family and for Nikayla in her ministry.

Contact Info Birthdays Oskar-Grissemann-Straße, 11/4/1 Brandon 11/15, Kristi 7/13 Vienna, AT 1210 Nikayla 3/20/02, Ethan 1/14/06 bkkosse@worldventure.net Elena 11/21/07



John & Andrea Nargan North America

In June of 1996 Jesus got a hold of our hearts and radically changed our lives at the Billy Graham Event in Minneapolis. In 2018, when we learned the “Truth about the 70,000” (shared over there) we were shook and heartbroken. Our eyes were open to the love that God has for the Nations! We were compelled to “Do Something”! This truth gripped us so deeply that, even if we wanted to, we could not walk away from what He has called us to - which is to join Him in His work to make disciples in all the

nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that He commands. (Matthew 28:19-20) We have been called to love our neighbors from the Nations, right here in North America. John is an appointed Global Leader with Converge International Ministries (IM). Converge IM’s mission is to see a Gospel movement among every least reached people group in our generation. Prayer Requests 1. Please pray as we continue to seek God in every step.

2. Financial support as we trust God is stirring in the hearts of our ministry partners to support us as we commit our lives to this important ministry.

Contact Info


22440 County Road W Frederic, WI 54837 johnn@converge.org

John 9/25

16 converge.org/missionary/john-nargan

Ryan & Kristen O’Leary North America

I am a member of an Ojibwe tribe here in Minnesota. God has given me a heart for First Peoples. In addition to being a tribal member myself, I have 25 years experience, including leadership experience, in Native culture. I received my masters’ of divinity from Bethel Seminary in 2003 and my doctorate

of ministry in 2013. I have served on my tribe’s economic development board, as a tribal government administrator, as a pastor and as a leader of a Native parachurch ministry.

Prayer Requests 1. Salvation for Indigenous people in North America and for the Lord to raise up more godly leaders to serve. 2. Holistic health as a family and other involved in this ministry as we are facing some significant spiritual and physical challenges. 3. For good time management. 4. More quality time with the Lord and our family. 5. For spiritual refreshing and an increase in joy in these times. 6. For our ministry support base to increase as we continue to raise prayer and financial support for the ministry (including an increase in travel and travel costs).

Contact Info


2710 Country Lane NE Bemidji, MN 56601 ryano@converge.org

Ryan 6/8



Rob & Jackie Passer Corpus Christi, Texas

We both came to Christ in our early 40’s and knew right away that we wanted to serve the Lord in some capacity. After the earthquake hit in Haiti and a couple trips there, we both felt called to Crisis Response. We have three adult children, Misty (Jason), David and Brad and three grandchildren. Prayer Requests 1. Jackie’s continued health following a liver transplant. 2. The church plant, Reflection Church that has grown out of the Hurricane

Harvey response in the Corpus Christi area. 3. For continued growth in Christ for us, our staff and the homeowners we work alongside of every day.

Contact Info


183 Rainbow Drive

Rob 1/28, Jackie 2/13

Livingston, TX 77399 rob.passer@efca.org



Rob Watlov Minnesota

Legacy Fishing Retreat is a Christian ministry operated in Minnesota by seasoned fishermen who thoroughly enjoy sharing the passion for God’s great outdoors and sharing the Passion and Love for our Lord Jesus Christ with others.

Prayer Requests 1. Please pray for receptive hearts and safety. 2. Pray that the Holy Spirit takes over this ministry and that our guides and counselors listen for the direction of the Holy Spirit to be able to reach those we serve with the good news of the Gospel.

Contact Info


P.O. Box 521

Rob 4/2, JoEllen 6/26

Rogers, MN 55374 robwatlov@earthlink.net



Chris & Denise Williamson Alaska

Chris is an aviation mechanic and has worked in corporate aviation for 22 years. We had always been interested in missions and hoped to serve the Lord in a mission aviation capacity. God called us to serve with MARC in 2017 through a sermon our pastor gave. MARC provides cost- shared transportation for missions in Alaska. Mission work in remote Alaska necessitates a heavy reliance upon air transport; Chris repairs and maintains the aircraft for this ministry.

Prayer Requests 1. Continue to pray for house search and the patience to wait for the right one. 2. For our vehicle to be fixed and operational soon. 3. For Chris and his long hours inspecting and fixing planes. 4. As the current planes are getting older, please pray that the required funds would come and God provides the right aircraft.

Contact Info


46485 Woodwill Drive

Chris 11/6, Denise 10/7

Kenai, AK 99611

Hannah 6/5/03




Steve & Alice Yatckoske Nett Lake, MN

Pastor Steve Yatckoske and his wife, Alice, serve Nett Lake Baptist Church. Nett Lake is a reservation community, with a population of just over 350 people, on the Bois Forte Reservation in northern Minnesota, about 45 miles south of the Canadian border. Steve and Alice grew up in Christian homes and came to faith early in life. Both have been baptized by immersion. They were called into full time ministry service later in life. Prayer Requests 1. For God to soften the hearts of the community. 2. Prayer for people here who have experienced the loss of family members. 3. Pray for the girls that Alice has been mentoring through some very difficult situations. 4. To be able to keep focused on the ministry here in Nett Lake during our ongoing support raising efforts.

Contact Info


5243 Saint John Dr, Box 18 Nett Lake, MN 55772 nettlakepastor@gmail.com

Steve 8/21; Alice 10/29



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