
PIPER MACNEIL HONOURS HIS MUSICAL HERITAGE $ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 :

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Roderick MacNeil maintient l’héritage des Highlands de sa famille en pratiquant la cornemuse. La plupart du temps, l’homme à la retraite joue pour son propre plaisir, bien qu’il se fasse un devoir de se déplacer dans les écoles de la région d’Ottawa, pour s’y produire pendant les événements du 11 novembre. — photo Gregg Chamberlain

The lonely skirl of the pipes winds through the air over Parc Simon in Rockland. “It’s a nice place here,” explained Rod- erick “Rod” MacNeil. “Nice sound under the roof.” Beneath the gazebo, between the Coco Lemay ball diamond and the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena, the 68-year-old piper pauses a moment to adjust the set of the bagpipes tucked under an arm, then resumes blow- ing a slow lament, one of many traditional Scottish bagpipe melodies. MacNeil, retired from federal service, has played the pipes since he was 15. His father and grandfather before him were pipers. “These are my dad’s pipes,” he said, indicating the set under his arm, adding that he and three of his brothers learned to play the pipes while the youngest brother learned the drums. “I’m the last of our family’s pipers,” he said. “When I was with Parks Canada, I took my pipes everywhere I went. I used to play with the Midnight Sun Pipe Band when I was in the Yukon.” MacNeil used to play a bit of guitar too, when his fingers were a bit more supple. The bagpipes remain his favourite instrument. “It’s the sound and the history of them,” he added. “Most of the tunes are hundreds of years old. And the pipes are one of the few wind instruments where you have to play

a practice chanter first, before you can play the bagpipes.” While Scotland is the country most people think of when they hear bagpipe music, the pipes are a traditional instrument in many Gaelic and Celtic countries like Ireland or Wales. Many European countries, including France, include some version of the bagpipes in their musical history, and variations of the bagpipes are also found in some African and Oriental cultures. MacNeil’s family hails from the Barra clan,

one of the smaller clans of Scotland. The set of pipes he plays is known as the Great Highlands bagpipes, the kind that pipers would play from the hill tops to call the clans to battle, whether to settle a feud between rival clans or to unite them all against a common foe. MacNeil plays most of the time for his own entertainment, sometimes at weddings. But every November 11 he performs at schools, piping his own tribute to the spirit of past warriors.


Plenty of family and friends gathered, last weekend on Saturday, August 18, to celebrate, the 100 th birthday of Desneiges McConnery, at Jardins Belle Rive in Rockland. The slogan of the party was “Cheers to 100 years!” —StewART photo

Close friend of the family, Judy McCorkell joined sisters Pharese Fournier and Mary Regimbald (from left to right) in celebrating their mother’s 100 th birthday at Jardins Belle Rive in Rockland. Desneiges McConnery (centre) was the woman of the hour. —StewART photo

Information : Raymond Viau / 613-673-4840 Donat Boullerice / 613-673-5919 WENDOVER SOUPER DE DORÉS / PICKEREL SUPPER / 25 $ Organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb, Conseil 9423 de Wendover. Au Centre communautaire Lucien Delorme, le 8 septembre de 17 h à 19 h.

Thursday, September 13 th GOLF TOURNAMENT

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