MY 19 Mohegan Sun Level III


§ When developing training programs consider the following:

1. Make sure the trainer is knowledgeable 2. Make sure the training is up to date an current 3. Seek trainers who are affordable 4. Consider in house training programs I. The gaming commission should have their ideas of what they want from staff II. In house training programs can save the Tribes thousands each year III. Develop formal processes for certification of each training process developed

§ In this plan is should encompass the following:

1. Enforcement Processes : Know what your enforcement responsibilities are. Keep in mind if you take an enforcement action you may be affecting some ones lively hood. 2. Governing Document Reviews : Make sure that you are reviewing the governing documents at a minimum annually, 3. Understanding Technology : Remember everything is migrating to technology, do not avoid it accept it, 4. Trainings : It is essential to get proper training, outline your needs. Remember training is expensive so make sure you are seeking the right training, 5. Compliance Ø Define how compliance will be achieved Ø What tools will be needed to achieve compliance including updates to technology.


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