London-LA 2023 Inserts

This is a book about my faith jour- ney from a young adult to my senior years. Being a survivor of COVID, I knew the LORD still had a purpose for my life. I listened to the voice in my heart and knew I needed to write this book as an encouragement to others. Events happen in life that can cause us to see ourselves as vic- tims or survivors. I choose using my Faith “hat” to be a survivor; an over- comer in all things. You will read about my 60-day hospital stay and 4-month home health journey and how my identified “hats” brought me through it all. My COVID sur- vival is a miracle from GOD. Identi- fy your “hats” so the road in front of you can be paved; and a way made for you by HIM. May you always be an overcomer.

When Grace Hournbuckle Walker talked for the last time with her eight-year-old son, Nathan, he shared his joyful hope and an- ticipation of his future in heaven with Jesus. That unforgettable exchange inspired Grace to create poetry and letters capturing ele- ments of that conversation and the foundation of trust in God shared by mother and son. Now I Can Think Myself to Mars: A Son’s Fi- nal Goodbye, A Mother’s Journal of Renewal collects those writings and bridges the decades between that conversation and the present moment.

$14.49 ● Paperback ● 9781662845017 $6.99 ● eBook

$13.95 ● Paperback ● 9781491794104 $23.95 ● Hardback ● 9781491794111

Does your spirit yearn for a deeper experience of life? Do you long to feel understood by others? Do you wish you were happier? Do you need a new solution to the same old prob- lems? Then Walking Through Your Walls may be the handbook to life that you’ve been looking for. Lynda Lamp, intuitive and vision- ary, offers in these pages a fresh new voice and help beyond measure. She breaks life down into understandable segments, then gives you tools and a framework for creating a world that works for you and everyone around you.

Four women courageously share their stories about their crimes— assault, kidnapping, vehicular assault, assault with a deadly weapon. They tell their prison ex- periences with honesty, the devas- tation to their families with poi- gnancy, and their road to resilience with humility.


$19.95 ● Paperback ● 9781943164677 $24.95 ● Hardback ● 9781943164660 $9.99 ● eBook

$19.95 ● Paperback ● 9781977251398

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