Bible Study continued Study Questions on Chapter 6 (Continued)
1. How is the Saviour’s concern for the physical welfare of His servants indicated in verses 30,31? Are peri odic vacations a wise thing? 2. What is Christ’s attitude toward the peoples of the world? (v. 34.) Do you share this concern? 3. What did the disciples want to do with the people? (v. 36.) What did Jesus command them to do instead? (v. 37.) 4. What mistake did the disciples make according to verses 37, 38? Do we ever make this same error? 5. How is our Lord’s love for order evidenced in verses 39, 40? . 6. How many people did our Lord feed by His miracle? (v. 44.) What great spiritual truth is taught by this miracle? 7. What brief but tremendously im portant statement is made about Christ in verse 46? Why is this im portant? Study Questions on Chapter 6 (Continued) 1. Why do you think Christ sent the disciples off by ship without Him? (w . 45,46.) 2. What amazing sight greeted the eyes of the disciples in the early morning hours as they rowed against the wind? (v. 48.) Why was our Lord going to pass them? Do you not think it was in order to show the way? 3. What was the feeling in the hearts of the disciples when they saw Christ on the water? (w . 48-50.) 4. What words of great comfort did the Saviour speak? (v. 50.) Can you hear Him say this during your times of trouble? 5. How is the natural weakness of the flesh demonstrated in the disciples’ response to Christ’s miracles? (w . 51,52.) Are you ever this stubborn and hard to convince about the things of God? Study Questions on Chapter 7 1. What criticism did the Pharisees and scribes level at Christ in verses 1,2? Why did these people hold such a view? (v. 3.) 2. What was the Saviour’s response to the Pharisees’ attitude? (v. 6.) 3. What was the great sin of these religious leaders? (v. 7.) Is this same sin not chargeable today against many religious leaders? 4. What illustration does Christ give of this terrible sin of the Phari sees? (vv. 10-13.)
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