LQWRHOHFWULFLW\´<HWHYHQWKRXJKDFLW\VXFKDV&KLFDJRLVNQRZQDV WKH³:LQG\&LW\´DQG³WKH:RUOG¶V&ROXPELDQ([SRVLWLRQKHOG in Chicago featured a variety of windmill manufacturers and their de- signs,” Chicago today has no windmills and is not even close to being R̆ WKHJULG&KLFDJRGLGKDYHDORWRIIDUPVEDFNWKHQSUREDEO\SRZ - HUHGE\ZLQGPLOOV LWDOVRKDGWKHVPHOO\VWRFN\DUGV &KLFDJRWRGD\ remains densely populated mainly with neighborhoods of three-story apartment buildings and small-scale businesses, but no wind turbines. Wind power has been harnessed to send cargo ships down rivers and across seas, in addition to grinding grains and pumping water. In the United States, “the wind energy potential of just three states — .DQVDV1RUWK'DNRWDDQG7H[DV²ZRXOGEHVẊ FLHQWWRPHHWFRDVW to-coast electricity demands.” Wind farms “have small footprints so IDUPLQJJUD]LQJUHFUHDWLRQDQGFRQVHUYDWLRQFDQFRH[LVW1HZHUGH - signs have addressed noise complaints and threats to migrating birds and bats with blades that turn slower and location practices that avoid PLJUDWLRQSDWKV´+RZHYHUIRVVLOIXHOVDUHVWLOOEHLQJVXEVLGL]HG³7KH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0RQHWDU\)XQG ,0) HVWLPDWHVWKDWVXEVLGLHVZHUH PRUHWKDQWULOOLRQ PLOOLRQDPLQXWH LQZKLFKPDGH them appear to be less expensive than renewables.” On Care for Our Common Home: An Encyclical Letter from Pope Francis Pope Francis addresses concerns about global warming from a thoughtful and caring human dimension. His context is one of a XQLYHUVDO PRUDO DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO LVVXH $Q HQF\FOLFDO LV ³D SD - SDO OHWWHU WR WKH ELVKRSV RI WKH 5RPDQ &DWKROLF &KXUFK DQG is intended as a guide for teaching and stewarding adherents.” $VROLGVFLHQWL¿FFRQVHQVXVLQGLFDWHVDGLVWXUELQJZDUPLQJRIWKH FOLPDWLFV\VWHP+XPDQLW\LVFDOOHGXSRQWRUHFRJQL]HWKHQHHG IRUFKDQJHVLQOLIHVW\OHSURGXFWLRQDQGFRQVXPSWLRQ6WXGLHVDOVR LPSOLFDWHJUHDWFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRIJUHHQKRXVHJDVHV FDUERQGLR[ LGHPHWKDQHQLWURJHQR[LGHVDQGRWKHUV UHOHDVHGPDLQO\DVDUH VXOWRIKXPDQDFWLYLW\7KHLQWHQVLYHXVHRIIRVVLOIXHOVDQGH[WHQVLYH deforestation for agricultural uses create more problems and hu- PDQVX̆ HULQJHVSHFLDOO\DPRQJWKHSRRU6ROXWLRQVPXVWGHPRQ VWUDWHUHVSHFWIRUWKHGLYHUVHFXOWXUDOULFKHVRIGL̆ HUHQWSHRSOHV The EXPO 2000 Solar Settlement Project in Freiburg, Germany
³7KHVH UHVLGHQWLDO EXLOGLQJV DUH FRQVWUXFWHG IURP ZRRG XVLQJ only healthy building materials.” They all have large roofs consisting RISKRWRYROWDLFPRGXOHVDQGDUH³WKH¿UVWLQWKHZRUOGWRKDYHDSRVL - WLYHHQHUJ\EDODQFH´:KDWKDVHQDEOHGWKLVFRPPXQLW\¶VVXFFHVVLVLWV microgrid,” which merges renewables with energy storage or backup generation. %\DFFHVVLQJDORFDOVXSSO\RIHQHUJ\WRPHHWORFDOGHPDQGVHQHUJ\ losses in transmission or distribution are reduced. In addition, “each KRPH SURGXFHV SHU \HDU LQ VRODU HQHUJ\ SUR¿WV´ $OWKRXJK there is an underground car park for these homeowners, there is also DZHOORUJDQL]HGFDUVKDULQJV\VWHP$OVRXQLTXHDUHWKHKRPHVWKDW ZHUH¿QDQFHGWKURXJKIRXU³)UHLEXUJ6RODU)XQGV´7KHVHDUHFORVHG UHDOHVWDWHGHDOVWKDWZHUHDPRQJ³WKH¿UVWHYHUHWKLFDOHFRORJLFDODQG green real estate investments.” Those deals funded one-third of the homes. Silvopasture “Silvopastoral systems sequester carbon in the biomass above JURXQGDQGLQWKHVRLOEHQHDWK3DVWXUHVZLWKWUHHVVHTXHVWHU¿YH WRWHQWLPHVDVPXFKFDUERQFRPSDUHGZLWKWKRVHRIWKHVDPHVL]H ZLWKRXWWUHHV5XPLQDQWVVXFKDVFRZVFDQDOVRGLJHVWVLOYRSDVWRUDO forage easier resulting in lower methane emissions.” In addition to providing a higher quality food source, silvopastures provide wind and shade protections that further increase animal health, milk and IRRGSURGXFWLRQDQGKHDOWK\R̆ VSULQJ7KHVHEHQH¿WVVXUSDVVWKRVH of otherwise comparable grass-only pastures. “Silvopasture requires rethinking about the ecology of land” in the context of practices that will “avert further greenhouse gas emissions and a loss of grass pro- ductivity.” continued on page 78
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