MIND-BODY-SPIRIT Sound Healing and the God Gene
BY JILL MATTSON 7RWKHZRUOG¶VDVWRQLVKPHQW²LQ²JHQHWLFLVW'HDQ+DPHU UHOHDVHGKLVVFLHQWL¿F¿QGLQJXQYHLOLQJDJHQHWKDWKHFDOOHGWKH³*RG *HQH´+LVUHVHDUFKVXJJHVWVWKDWVSLULWXDOLVPFDQLQSDUWEHLQKHULW - ed. The presence of this gene predisposes a person to be spiritual and perhaps even have mystical experiences. 7R EHJLQ WKLV KXJH XQGHUWDNLQJ +DPHU TXDQWL¿HG ³6SLULWXDOLW\´ by psychometric measurements. Spiritual characteristics were deter- mined after studying highly spiritual people. Three qualities that the researchers described as spiritual were “self-forgetfulness” (becoming WRWDOO\DEVRUEHGLQVRPHDFWLYLW\VXFKDVUHDGLQJ ³WUDQVSHUVRQDO LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ´ IHHOLQJFRQQHFWHGWRDODUJHUXQLYHUVH DQG³P\V - ticism” (an openness to believe things that remain unproven, such DV(63 The above three components of spirituality taken together were called “self-transcendence” by Hamer. This self-transcendence mea- sure of spirituality was heritable by classical twin studies conducted E\/-(DYHVDQG1*0DUWLQ$SSUR[LPDWHO\RIWKHYDULDWLRQV LQVHOIWUDQVFHQGHQFHZHUHGXHWRJHQHV%\FRQWUDVWVSHFL¿FUHOLJLRXV EHOLHIV VXFKDVEHOLHILQDSDUWLFXODUGHLW\ KDGQRJHQHWLFEDVLV 7R LGHQWLI\ VRPH RI WKH VSHFL¿F JHQHV LQYROYHG LQ VHOIWUDQVFHQ - GHQFH +DPHU DQDO\]HG WKH '1$ DQG VSLULWXDOLW\ VFRUHV IURP RYHU LQGLYLGXDOV $V D UHVXOW KH FRQFOXGHG WKDW SHRSOH FRXOG SDU - tially inherit spirituality. This is attributed, in part, to the gene called 90$7 Hamer concludes that spirituality provides an evolutionary advan- tage by providing individuals with an innate sense of optimism. This,
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according to Hamer, has survival advantages, hence its presence and growth in the human gene pool. The Impact of Sound 0DQ\ SHRSOH GHVLUH WR HQKDQFH WKHLU VSLULWXDOLW\ DQG WR SURYLGH ORYHGRQHVZLWKDVSLULWXDOLQÀXHQFH7RWKDWHQGP\ZRUNZLWK6KDU - U\ (GZDUGVWKH IRXQGHU RI %LR$FRXVWLFV RQ WKH IUHTXHQFLHV IRU WKH VRGXEEHG³*RG*HQH´907DQGWKHIUHTXHQF\RIWKHDFWLYDWRUIRU this gene and its protein (that provides this gene with a head start for GHYHORSLQJVSLULWXDOTXDOLWLHV LVRQHFKDQQHO,FRPSRVHGPLQXWHV RIPXVLFDQGLQVHUWHGWKH*RGJHQHIUHTXHQFLHVWKDWLVWKHJHQHLWV activator, and protein, in every song for a delightful and uplifting ex- perience. The listener gains the reinforcement and strengthening of WKHLULQQDWHVSLULWXDOLW\SOXVPDQ\VXEWOHDQGKROLVWLFEHQH¿WVIURP the classical musical score. It is an easy and enjoyable experience. One of the tenets of healing with Sound — of expanding yourself ZLWK6RXQG²LVWKDWE\OLVWHQLQJWRDQGEHLQJLPPHUVHGLQVSHFL¿F frequencies and matrices of sounds, our bodies, our energies, even our PHQWDODQGSK\VLFDOVWDWHVFDQEHLPSDFWHGSURIRXQGO\:K\LVWKLV"
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