NAWIC Today Sept.-Oct.


Meet NAWIC's new National President, Lauline Mitchell

Lauline Mitchell did not always plan on running for leadership positions within NAWIC, she said. In fact, it took some persuading before she would even attend a NAWIC meeting. The California native’s journey into the field started over 20 years ago when she decided to take a carpentry class. She had worked on-and-off in insurance and as a stay-at-home mother and wife before taking the course. “I dove into construction after my daughter was born and I had time to take a carpentry class. While I had always tried to learn about building, that was the first time I took a class on it,” she said. “One of the professors I had told me I was too old to swing a hammer and connected me with an executive from a local general contractor. I was able to use the skills I had already accrued to begin learning project management.”


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