S u bm i t t e d b y Kr y s t l e C o t e
S u bm i t t e d b y Camr y n Na b i g o n
Happy New Year CFLC families. Though the beginning of the year looks a little different I am grateful to be able to support you from a distance. As the Resource Teacher, I get to bounce around each room and get to know everyone. We play games, read stories, and do fun exercises that help to support each child’s development. This includes collaboration with the Speech Therapist and the Occupational Therapist. Some of my other roles include assisting the teachers with programming and supporting families with their child’s needs. I can’t wait to be back in to in person learning but until then, stay safe!
- Cam
S u bm i t t e d b y Rh o n d a L y o n s , P r i n c i p a l
Boozhoo everyone. Welcome to a new year. I am happy to be back working for our community as Principal. I bring my love of learning of our Indigenous ways and helping our children to be the best version of themselves personally and academically. I am currently completing my Principals Part 2 course and looking forward to working together on the inquiry question of land-based learning. Welcome to new staff who are also helping with school programming. It has been a great busy four months of school programming. Students are excited to be back and adjusting well to class routines, in-person and on-line. Each month students participate in student assemblies at the Turtle Lodge beginning with ceremony. Students are celebrated for their accomplishments in the classrooms. Outside professional resources continue to provide services weekly. School theme days include Moccasin Mondays and Fashion Fridays to honour the residential school survivors and for those who couldn’t wear their attire proudly to school. For November and December, students participated in skating and swimming activities. After school programming has started and will continue once school resumes full-time. As a school community, we are looking forward to future learning opportunities. With the help of our new land-based co-ordinator, Lucas, we will be learning how to tan deer hide. Students will also be participating in gardening activities and other land-based learning activities. Ceremonies will continue with girls’/womens’ teachings in the spring. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about programming. Miigwech - Rhonda Lyons
J a nu a r y 2 0 2 2
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