Jan 2022 - Biigtigong Current

Community Newsletter for Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. Any questions please contact the Consultation & Governance Officer, Cassandra Cress at 807-229-8900 EXT 222 or cassandra.cress@picriver.com


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Photo submitted by Elder, Sharon Desmoulin. Sunrise at the Pic River Bridge, January 2022.

I n s i d e t h i s I s s u e

UPDATES FROM ENDZHI - GKINOOHMAADING Principal Update, Classroom Updates, and more

UPDATES FROM CFLC TEAM Programming Updates, Toddler News, Recipe from the Cook's Kitchen, and more

INTRODUCT ION TO VIRTUAL CARE Update from Home & Community Care Coordinator

NEW BI IGT IGONG ANIMAL RESCUE Awaakan Bimaaji thanks Community Donors

MEDICINES AVAILABLE TO THE COMMUNITY S u bm i t t e d b y S h a n n o n C o u r c h e n e , F am i l y We l l - B e i n g P r o g r am

Traditional medicines available from Biigtigong Mno-zhi-yaawgamig (The Health Centre) to help with the prevention of COVID-19:

7 Pine Medicine Tea (White Spruce, Black Spruce, Balsam, Jack-pine, Cedar, Tamarack, Juniper) It is ground up into a powder which can then be boiled for a tea. Drink daily as a preventative measure for COVID-19



Smudging ourselves starts the day in a good way When we smudge our home we also cleanse the air

Cedar tea can be used to help build up our respiratory systems When boiled on the stove it is also purifying the air as well

Community members can access all of the medicines above by contacting Shannon at 807-228-1362 and / or shannon.courchene@picriver.com

Miigwech - Shannon


Chief, Duncan Michano Jr. Portfolios: Dbenjgan, Land Claim, External Relations, Intergovernmental Affairs

Donald Michano Portfolios: Capital/Housing, PRDC


Donovan Crosson Portfolios: Sustainability, Dbenjgan, Language, Aadsookaanan Joe Moses Portfolios: Capital/Housing, Emergency Response, Current Governance

A Ch i l d h o o d S t o r y f r om C o u n c i l o r , S h a r o n O s t b e r g

As a young girl I spent a lot of time walking around the bush, trails and old roads, climbing rocks in and around Heron Bay North and South, and the reserve. I now know that I may have experienced my first vision when I was around 11 or 12 yrs old. (1965/66) I was up on the rocks alone for a good part of the day, I had a stick in my hand when I went home. (I later learned it was a survey stick) I recall asking my dad if there was gold around here, because I saw some gold, that was going to change the land. I said there was going to be a new high school for me to go to, a shopping mall, and a big park, not with swings and toys, a park of a different kind. I don’t know how to describe it but it will have big animals and water, and I am going to "work there" (I had no concept at that age of National parks and NMCA). My father started first lecturing me that I should not have taken the stick home, and wanted to know, where his wrench and screwdrivers were, (I was good at fixing my own bike and taking radios apart with his tools) “You should spend more effort in working, at putting my tools back, waving the stick at me and leaving things where they belong and less time dreaming”. To this day, I do not know how I got that stick in my hand it seems like I fell asleep or everything was a daydream, but it was there. Years later, I told this daydream I had to Antoine Moses he told me that if you are close to the land and trust it, the earth will tell you stories. Long ago, our people would go and get these stories when they needed them, so maybe you needed that story. (Today, I now know I lived that story) (1970) When I was in high school on the track team, we were going to Wawa for a track meet, and on the way I saw workers on the side of the road near Hemlo. When I asked what was going on out there, the bus driver our Geology teacher said, they are surveying and drill testing, there is good gold showings around here. (Another part of my dream) ....

Simone Desmoulin Portfolios: Culture (All Departments)

Erin Shaw Portfolios: Education, Future Governance Models, Youth Council Leah Michano Portfolios: Health, Social Services, Current Governance, Youth Council Sharon Ostberg Portfolios: Finance & Admin, Dbenjgan, Economic Development, External Relations Garland Moses Portfolios: Sustainability, Health, Future Governance Models Randal Courchene Portfolios: PRDC, Health & Safety, Policing Bonnie Goodchild Portfolios: Finance & Admin, Social Services, Education

(Continued on next page...)

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(1971/1972) In the summer, I was working on a student LIP project painting houses, we were painting the hall and Chief, Toussant Michano came out said a few things about us fooling around, then asked me if I knew “dictation." "Nope," I said, "but I can write fast". "Well than this afternoon there is going to be some people here for a big meeting, and I need good note takers." So I went home to get cleaned up for this job and come into the hall at one pm. This was the first time I heard about a new National Park coming to the area. There was all kinds of discussions, a lot of back and forth between the suits and the Chiefs. There are a couple of incidents that really stood out for me; one was when there was a 9 million dollar offer from the suits to the Chiefs and Toussant said "there is no way I am taking money to give up my rights that money will be spent in a year, and my people will not be able to eat." At the time, I had no idea that they were taking hunting and fishing rights. After that there was a break and a lot of Chiefs were gathering together, when they came back to the tables, the Indian Affairs guy ended up sitting next to me. I was in-between him and Toussant and he says, “Okay lets get serious, we are here, for not us, but we do this for the kids tapping me on the shoulder.” I did not learn until later that he was the Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chretien. (1975) In February, I started working on a short contract for Parks Canada as a trainee in Finance for personal reasons. (sick baby) While I was there I read every file there was to read on this place. In 1976/1977, I worked at the band office, during this time I attended some band meetings with Parks Canada. This was during Judd Buchannan and Warren Allmond's reign as the Ministers of Indian Affairs. The employment training programs had been already going on with the Wardens not a whole lot of other employment or training opportunities were happening. This time period would have been during Parks Canada’s requirement for public sessions in management planning and/or signing of the federal provincial agreement. There were always a lot of discontent and reminders to the government that the land they were developing was “Indian land, our land and water for us to protect” I recall someone making that statement but I do not know who. In 1978, I started working for Parks Canada again, sometime after that year Parks had an Open House session to talk about the plan, back then there was plans for a hotel, store, restaurant, transit system to Oiseau Bay and potentially further, opportunities for our people to do guided hikes down the coast on land and water. During a break Camille Nabigon was looking at a Map on the wall and I went up to him and asked him what he thought about all these plans. The Director for Parks Canada was within ear shot, and Camille tells me and looks at him, this cannot happen, I have my trappers cabin right here and you want to build a track right through it?? The Director than said “don’t worry you still have your trapping ground and rights, we will build you a cabin anywhere you want it.” That plan was later downsized significantly. Fast Forward to the early 1989-1990’s I was the HR/Finance Manager for Pukaskwa and Camille comes into the Park Office with his loud voice and says to me “where is the boss, I am coming to make good on my new trapping cabin.” So I point him off to the superintendent’s office. After Camille’s visit, the Superintendent comes into my office to question me on this because Camille told him I knew all about it. My response was referencing that meeting, and what I had heard. (Oral History needs to be considered I tell him) 1997-2010 I was the Field Unit Superintendent, and in every business plan presentation that I brought forward to National Office, I reminded them that Pukaskwa National Park could not sustain itself without additional resources and without the support of the First Nations, the only way this could happen is honor the commitments that were made during park establishment, It seemed like I was always doing a re-education to that level and never getting anywhere. I once approached the CEO and asked if they could consider co-management of some kind let the First Nations put in some revenue development projects and help sustain the operations of the trails and campgrounds and other infrastructure. These requests were always dismissed as it is not the way we operate, even though my constant reminders of Parks Canada mandate was founded upon aboriginal traditions of preserve and protect for all time that is the practiced culture of our people. (Hopefully, others can make that dream a reality) After my retirement from Parks Canada, I focus on my community, balancing the protection of the land and waters, while ensuring self-sufficiency through business development, I will always remember that dream I had and the interpretation given to me from Antoine Mosses, I guess I had lived my dream.

Miigwech to all who support our values. - Sharon

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Ke i t h & L i l a Do n a g h y ( L e f t P h o t o )

NEW BI IGT IGONG ANIMAL RESCUE S u bm i t t e d b y Tamb y F a i r , A c t i n g D i r e c t o r Awaakan Bimaaji ("Animal Rescue" in nishnaabe) was created through a band council resolution with four directors; Howard Desmoulin, Tamby Fair, Nicole Desmoulin and Cassandra Cress. We will be seeking members in the near future and invite anyone interested in joining us to reach out. Our goal is to assist with animal care for Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and the surrounding area. This may be in the form of assisting with sudden bills through loans and/or grants, providing access to supplies as we are able to source them (currently we have a few tie-outs for those whose dogs keep breaking ropes) and coordinating wellness clinics in the nearby future. If you have a need for help with your pet, please reach out to us. By email: awakaan.bimaaji@picriver.com or through our Facebook group. We do not yet have a formal office or phone service.

Au d r e y B o u c h i e ( R i g h t P h o t o )

B i i g t i g o n g Y o u t h C o u n c i l ( No t P h o t o g r a p h e d )

S i r a r d ' s Y o u r I n d e p e n d e n t G r o c e r ( No t P h o t o g r a p h e d )

Ou r Ba k e S a l e f und r a i s i ng e f f o r t t o t a l e d $ 2 4 20 .

Ch i Mi i gwe c h f o r y o u r s u p p o r t !


While Dennis Michano was in the hospital, his dog was involved in a fight with another and had some wounds that needed a vet to treat. We reached out to find a way to assist the family with this. In partnership with Northern Reach Rescue, we arranged to have Koda taken in to care. The family decided it was in his best to interest to have him re-homed where he could receive more attention than they could provide at the time. Below is a letter from the Sarnia Humane Society with his update.

“Hi Tamby, I wanted to give you an update on Koda, who has been adopted into the greatest home! I have attached a picture from his grooming session which had to be postponed as we removed the lump off his head and were awaiting stitches to dissolve. He has settled in quite nicely in his new home, he lives with another smaller senior dog and the 2 are best friends. His mom works at a very nice canine retreat so Koda and his brother often get to go for pamper days and dog daycare senior days lol. On her days off they enjoy hiking, couch days watching Netflix and hanging out with family and friends; he has been an absolute joy to his family. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for entrusting this beautiful boy to us.... he is living the dream!"

New Awaakan Bimaaji logo designed by Danielle Robinson

Koda was the the Kickstarter and inspiration for the creation of this group. (Koda's Previous owner, Dennis Michano, gave permission to share his story) **Please note: animals placed in care for treatment have the option of returning to their family once they are recovered or being re-homed. Each family can choose the option that works best for them at that time.**

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2021 CHRISTMAS CHEER PENNY AUCT ION S u bm i t t e d b y S u s t a i n a b l e De v e l o pme n t

With our hearts full of gratitude, we want to thank all the sponsors and people who took the time to attend our Christmas Cheer Penny Auction. Without each and every one of you our event would not have been a smashing success. Sustainable Development Christmas Elves worked very hard to spread the Christmas Cheer. We are truly blessed to have amazing community members to want to give back. We had a few hiccups, but it was fun and worth it all to see so many happy people enter our doors. We had a total of 103 prizes and raised the grand total of $21,936.58 for our auction. The proceeds were divided between Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Christmas Food Drive and Marathon Community Collective. Hats off to all the sponsors this was much more than we anticipated but we felt all your Christmas love and cheer. We all wanted to ensure we were able to make many people happy and spread Christmas smiles and ensure everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Photos taken by “Sugar Plum” Cassandra Cress Your Head Elf “Peppermint Sparkles” Florinda Christianson Our Department Elves: “Holly Jingles” Juanita Starr

“Snowflake Twinkle” Brittany Moses “Snuggles Coco” Kierstin Kwissiwa “Chippy Pep” Russell Twance Other helpful Jolly Elves: “Cupcake Pom Pom” Shannon LeSarge “Glitterpants” Kim McWatch “Sparkledust Perky” Joni Michano

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2021!

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AADSOOKAANAN PROJECT STORY RECORDINGS S u bm i t t e d b y Ca s s a n d r a C r e s s , C o n s u l t a t i o n & Go v e r n a n c e O f f i c e r Seven episodes of our Creation stories are ready to be shared with Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. The stories will be shared over several weeks this winter – when the snow is on the ground & the waters are frozen. Seven families have been chosen to be keepers of these stories and make sure they are forever told and never again forgotten. Each year, these families will be responsible to re-tell the episode they keep for the people. Unfortunately, due to Covid we are unable to gather in person. So, we will be doing this over Zoom and live streaming on PRDC’s Facebook site. We are hoping to conduct a small ceremony in the community hall on our first night. We hope you will join us for this historic community event. For us, this journey has facilitated a heartfelt connection to generations of our ancestors. We hope your involvement brings good feelings and memories of special times spent with your loved ones. They will be proud we are bringing back our stories, together. - Aadsookaanan Team: Cassandra Cress, Florinda Christanson, Donovan Crosson, JP Montano & JoAnne Michano

INTRODUCT ION TO VIRTUAL CARE S u bm i t t e d b y Me l o d i e To u c h e t t e , Home & C ommu n i t y Ca r e C o o r d i n a t o r What is virtual care? Virtual care is providing care through technology. Virtual visits are not new to the world, in fact – its been around for a few years. With the everchanging world, virtual visits are the safest way to visit. Some may be hesitant to try the virtual care because they want to continue the face to face home visits but by going virtual, it will enhance the care that you are already receiving. How does this work? Biigtigong Mno-zhi-yaawgamig will provide you with a tablet to use for visits and would consists of you signing out the tablet. The tablet would only give you access to the Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN). Apps, internet use, googling, etc.. will not be accessible through the tablet provided. It would work the same as a “in person” home visit except that we would “call” your tablet and we would be able to see each other through the screen; just like Facetime but with OTN being a secure network. Virtual visits may not be for everyone and we understand this. Those who require/ need “face to face” visits, will continue as is. Those who receive tablets will be provided virtual visits but that is not to say that we will not go into the home because we understand that not all visits can be done virtually, such as wound care. Some examples of visits that can be done virtually is Case Management, some assessments, health teachings, and Blood pressure checks (if you have your own blood pressure cuff). In order to use the tablet for virtual home visits, you would need to have an email account. If you do not have an email account and are interested in having virtual visits, please let Vanessa or myself know and we can have Jason Burton assist with setting one up for you. If you are interested in virtual home visits or would like to “give it a try”, please contact Vanessa or myself. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 229-1836 ext. 605 or Vanessa Nabigon at ext.610


Episode I : The Birth of Nenbozhoo

Tues , Feb 8

Episode II : The Theft of Fire , and Episode III : Nenbozhoo Kills His Two Brothers

Tues , Feb 15

Episode IV : Nenbozhoo and The Wolves , and Episode V : The Death of Nenbozhoo ' s Nephew

Tues , Feb 22

Episode VI : The Great Flood , and Episode VII : The Creation of Nishnaabe

Tues , Mar 1

6 : 00 - 9 : 00 pm

Poster to go out within the community and on Facebook pages with zoom link and further details.

Please contact Cassandra Cress if you have any further questions; email cassandra.cress@picriver.com or phone 807-229-8900 EXT 222

- Melodie Touchette, RN

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CHILDREN & FAMILY LEARNING CENTER S u bm i t t e d b y S t e p h a n i e Mi c h a n o - Dr o v e r Good day Community members and Families!

We hope that you and your families are staying safe during these times!

The staff have been working hard to support the children & the families with activity kits to complete at home! Meet our team: Tiffaney and Kiara are with our Infant Program, Norma and Leanne with the Toddlers, Cheri and Tristen with the Preschool, Debbie provides outreach and support to our families, Camryn is the Resource Consultant, Krystle provides the children with healthy snacks and meals, Esther has been providing Cultural and Language programming, Colleen helps keep our building clean and sanitized, Louis helps with the maintenance and Stephanie helps support our team and families. We have been increasing our engagement with the families and the community by providing more activities to the families and community members. Some of our activities; we have had over 300 people involved in them. Some of our upcoming activities; Zoom Bingo, Snow Creations, and Cupcake Creations with Family. Please continue to follow us on our Facebook Group; BN Community Events with CFLC/Education to find out what’s happening and what our next event is!!!

(CFLC staff in Biigtigong's Parade of Lights 2021)


S u bm i t t e d b y E s t h e r Mi c h a n o

Good day Families!

I hope that you are all staying safe and warm inside your homes. This round I will be working with Debbie to make kits for the families; such as rattle making, blanket making and paint night. I will also be putting together a native language book so you can practice some words at home. It is so sad we can’t see each other again but I am sure we will get through this again. Have fun doing your kits and send us some beautiful pictures when you are done. We really enjoy looking at them and seeing your families involved and engaged in the activities. If you have any ideas or suggestions that you would like to see, let us know and we will try to put them together for our families to do. Have fun and stay safe!

Stay safe! Have fun!

- Stephanie

- Esther

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S u bm i t t e d b y T i f f a n y Mi c h a n o & K i a r a Mi c h a n o

Happy New Year CFLC Families. Although the start pf the year is not what we had hoped for, we are grateful to be here all the same. In the infant room we spend a lot of time exploring the senses. The messier the better when it comes to our infants, if they can squish it, taste it, or throw it they are happy. You can also find us exploring literacy throughout the day, one among our a favorites is "The Little Red Barn." (Photo above) A flap book they love opening and closing. Our babies are on the move, they keep us on our toes and we can't wait to be back in the classroom with them. Until then, stay safe and see you soon.

- Tiffany and Kiara


S u bm i t t e d b y Ch e r i Mi c h a n o & T r i s t e n He n d e r s o n

Happy New Year from the Preschool Class. We hope that you are all staying warm and keeping busy. This month we are gonna be focusing on counting, sorting and writing our name. The past few months we have been very busy in the class and outside. Our class loves to go for walks and make snowmen. They also love sliding and snow angels. We can’t wait to be back to class and having fun again.

- Cheri and Tristen

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TODDLER NEWS S u bm i t t e d b y L e a n n e Qu i s e s s & No rma S t a r r

Boozhoo and Happy New Year from the Toddler classroom! Before the break the toddlers were busy little elves, crafting and making Christmas presents for their families. Our favourite thing to do is going for a ride on the buggy to check out Howby’s Homestead. Sometimes the turkeys, chicken, ducks and goats make noises that scared us a bit! We can’t wait to be back in the classroom with our toddler friends, but for now we will be posting activities online that will help strengthen fine and gross motor skills and focus on learning colours, counting and shapes. Stay safe!

- Leanne

Happy New Year... I hope everyone has had a great Christmas break! and staying warm and keeping safe. The toddler program will be working on colors, shapes, numbers both in english/ ojibway, alphabets. Me and Leanne and trying every day to use our ojibway language, from sit down to come here, we also give direction to what we're saying the as well. We don't know a lot but what we do know we'll continue to use the language. We are also working have them dress themselves, clean up, sharing toys. We are also going to work on potty training with some of the children that are ready to try.


- Norma

FAMILY OUTREACH PROGRAM S u bm i t t e d b y De b b i e C r o s s o n

Good day, from our Family Outreach Program. First, I would like to wish you all a Happy Healthy New Year. I hope you all are doing good as we are in lock down once again, stay safe at home with your family. We are busy here doing packages for our families in the Children and Family Learning Center Program and delivering them. Remember self care is important, look after yourself as you look after your family, use the Medicine Wheel to help you bring balance in your life and home. - Debbie

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S u bm i t t e d b y Kr y s t l e C o t e

S u bm i t t e d b y Camr y n Na b i g o n

Happy New Year CFLC families. Though the beginning of the year looks a little different I am grateful to be able to support you from a distance. As the Resource Teacher, I get to bounce around each room and get to know everyone. We play games, read stories, and do fun exercises that help to support each child’s development. This includes collaboration with the Speech Therapist and the Occupational Therapist. Some of my other roles include assisting the teachers with programming and supporting families with their child’s needs. I can’t wait to be back in to in person learning but until then, stay safe!

- Cam


S u bm i t t e d b y Rh o n d a L y o n s , P r i n c i p a l

Boozhoo everyone. Welcome to a new year. I am happy to be back working for our community as Principal. I bring my love of learning of our Indigenous ways and helping our children to be the best version of themselves personally and academically. I am currently completing my Principals Part 2 course and looking forward to working together on the inquiry question of land-based learning. Welcome to new staff who are also helping with school programming. It has been a great busy four months of school programming. Students are excited to be back and adjusting well to class routines, in-person and on-line. Each month students participate in student assemblies at the Turtle Lodge beginning with ceremony. Students are celebrated for their accomplishments in the classrooms. Outside professional resources continue to provide services weekly. School theme days include Moccasin Mondays and Fashion Fridays to honour the residential school survivors and for those who couldn’t wear their attire proudly to school. For November and December, students participated in skating and swimming activities. After school programming has started and will continue once school resumes full-time. As a school community, we are looking forward to future learning opportunities. With the help of our new land-based co-ordinator, Lucas, we will be learning how to tan deer hide. Students will also be participating in gardening activities and other land-based learning activities. Ceremonies will continue with girls’/womens’ teachings in the spring. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about programming. Miigwech - Rhonda Lyons

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KINDERGARTEN UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mr s . S Our class has been busy adjusting and being in class for a full day since the return of school in September. We welcomed Jazmyn, Destiny, Bryan, Colton, Gunner, and Karter to kindergarten this school year as Junior Kindergarten students. Our class has been learning letter names, sounds, printing our names, numbers, sorting and patterning. We have enjoyed learning new songs and poems as well. Each day we incorporate Ojibwe words in our morning calendar and watch Nishinaabe videos to expand our vocabulary. During the fall, we had the pleasure of going to moose camp and we enjoyed all the camp and exploring activities there. We also had a great time during Halloween by exploring pumpkins and celebrating with a party. We participated in swimming and skating in Marathon with Miss Bee during Phys. Ed. In December, we were busy practicing for our Christmas concert and performed at the hall for our families. Our favorite song was “Ring the Bells.”


S u bm i t t e d b y Ms . B e l l

Hello from the Grade 1 and 2 Class!

We have had a very good year so far! We are so happy to be back in the classroom! We have a small group this year with only 7 students, but they are a very close group and very helpful with one another. I think the highlight of our year so far was Moose Camp. The students thoroughly enjoyed learning how to build shelters, fire, cutting up the meat, and using a slingshot. In Math, the class has been really focusing on building their math facts. They have been practicing skip counting by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 10’s, 20’s, 25’s, and 50’s. They also all did very well in our Money unit. In Reading, many students moved up in their reading levels. They are enjoying getting to work in small groups again for guided reading. They also really love participating in Daily 5 each day where they get to listen to reading, read to themselves, work on word work, and practice different skills on Essential Skills. They have finished several art pieces using different types of media to create beautiful work. In gym, the class participated in skating and swimming and had a lot of fun with both. During free time, they play so well together using imaginative play and writing letters to one another. The students really enjoyed the Christmas concert, their favourite part was dancing to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You.”

We are happy that winter has arrived, and we are looking forward to all the learning and fun it brings!

- Mrs. S and the JK/SK class

We are looking forward to what the rest of the year has to bring us all and learning together and from one another.

- Ms, Bell, Danielle, and the rest of the gang!

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Hello Parents, Guardians, and Community Members! This year was off to a great start since I was able to focus all of my attention on the needs of our Speech, Language, and Occupational Therapy students, and work on their individual goals with them. I spent the Fall helping teachers with their assessments, reading groups, offering strategies and tips, and being available to help students or give them short mental health breaks. As much as I loved having a classroom last year, I’m excited to be back in this role full time. Moving forward in 2022, I will be focussed on testing specific students in order to help the teachers and parents meet the student’s specific learning styles, and this will help our students learn to the best of their ability. And as always, I will continue to work with our Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist to master some of the skills and goals they have created for our students. Parent-Teacher communication has moved away from Facebook and towards the Remind app, so please make sure you have joined my “class” to get updates regarding IEPs and future testing. If you have any questions or would like to set up an in-person or Zoom meeting, please contact me and we will make arrangements. Thank you for being a part of our students’ education! Miigwech! - Mrs. W.

GRADE 3 & 4 CLASS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s G r e e n Greetings from the Grade 3&4 class! We’ve been working very hard over the last few months. In Math, we’ve been working on telling time, measuring capacity, and practicing our multiplication skills. In Literacy, we’ve been practicing reading in our guided reading groups, sharing our opinion in writing, and exploring spelling strategies through essential skills and our spelling practice books. In art, we built a beautiful Christmas tree display and painted a Christmas surprise that you’ll likely see over the holidays! In Social Studies and Science, we’ve been reflecting on our Moose Camp experiences, learning about different regions of Canada, and learning about the water cycle. In Physical Education, students enjoyed four weeks of skating and swimming in Marathon. Students completed a massive sticker challenge and we celebrated their hard work on Tuesday December 14th!

Warmly, Miss Green, Morris, Jared, and the grade ¾ class! GRADE 5 & 6 CLASS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s Ma r i e Greetings from the Grade 5/6 Classroom!

We were very excited to be together in the classroom finally. They focused on identifying the main idea and supporting details in a story in reading. Our class enjoyed going out to Moose Camp this year. They loved building shelters and learning how to make fires. You can support this learning at home by asking your child to identify these elements in the fiction stories you read together. Their descriptive writing focused on adding details to sentences to extend them. Their goal was to write a descriptive real estate paragraph to sell their haunted house. As well, in Math, we have finished a Number Sense Unit. We looked at whole numbers and where they belong in the world of place value. Our class was excited to finally be able to perform “In the Sun, They Melted” for their loved ones at our Christmas Concert. They worked hard at remembering each of their parts. They worked as a group to make it the best performance ever. Miigwech. Miss Marie & Grade 5/6 Class

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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

GRADE 7 & 8 UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s B

The school year thus far has been busy for the Grade 7&8 class. The students have participated in many activities in the class and out on the land. The students were thrilled that they got the chance to go back to Moose Camp. Some of the students took the opportunity to stay out and enjoy camp life, learning from knowledge keepers and participating in early morning hunts. When the snow finally fell the students enjoyed going out and setting rabbit snares with our new Land Based Coordinator Lucas Michano. Students learnt how to make, set and check their snares, and even managed to get a rabbit! They are looking forward to learning how to skin and cook their rabbit in the New Year. In the season of giving the students were challenged to fundraise and participate in a number of charitable events, including the Dilico Christmas Wish Campaign and sponsoring families at the Marathon Marjorie House. The students wrote letters to local organizations to encourage them to also participate and match their donations. As a result 24+ Christmas Wish bags were filled with gifts and essential items for children in care. With some money left over from their initiative the students were able to also make a $125 donation to the local food bank. The students are looking forward to getting back to work and out on the lane once we have time to rest and celebrate the holiday season with family and friends. From all of us in the Grade 7&8 classroom, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Miss B, Miss Amy, Mel, Geri, Sarah & Kids <3



We are seeking elders (anyone 55+ from the community) who wish to share their stories of what it was like growing up, working, and living in our community before modern day. These stories will be shared in upcoming community newsletters, as well as archived for our history and future generations. Please contact Florinda Christianson for more details, at florinda@picriver.com or 807-229-8900 EXT 223 S u bm i t t e d b y S u s t a i n a b l e De v e l o pme n t

We are seeking youth (age 10 - 25) who wish to share their stories and experiences about what it's like to be from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. These will be shared in upcoming community newsletters as part of our Youth Corner, as a way to recognize young leaders, the work they do, their interests, and ideas for our community. We also want to recognize cultural events, creative activities, artwork, extra-curriculars, upcoming projects, the outcome of projects, and anything else that is youth-led or youth-focused. S u bm i t t e d b y S u s t a i n a b l e De v e l o pme n t

Please contact Cassandra Cress for more details, at cassandra.cress@picriver.com or 807-229-8900 EXT 222

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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

What is the Meals on Wheels Program? The Meals on Wheels Program is Designed to assist eligible community member with meals for 5 days a week. Meals include one salad, one soup, and one dinner meal for each of the 5 days. Who Qualifies for Meals on Wheels? Any community member who is a Home & Community Care Client. Elders that live with a chronic illness, Elders that reside with a family member and live with a chronic illness. For those who do not meet the requirements for the Meals on Wheels and are interested in joining the program will be assessed when available spots are opened with the program. Who do I contact for an application or inquires for the Meals on Wheels Program? You can contact Melodie Touchette, the Home and Community Care Coordinator at 229-1836 ext 605. Or, Sharon Desmoulin, the Health and Wellness Transportation Driver at 229-1836 ext 619. (An Intake/assessment must be completed prior to receiving services.) What is the Health and Wellness Transportation Program? The Health and Wellness Transportation Program will provide community member who do not own a vehicle/ or reside with someone who has a vehicle with assistance to and from Marathon for everyday essential needs. Health and Wellness Transportation runs Monday, Wednesday Morning, and Friday. (A full assessment will need to be completed prior to receiving services.) Who do I Contact? You can contact Melodie Touchette, the Home and Community Care Coordinator at 229-1836 ext 605. Or, Sharon Desmoulin, the Health and Wellness Transportation Driver at 229-1836 ext 619. Meals on Wheels and Transportation Services are Essential Services, and will continue to Run During the Lockdown/ Pandemic. MEALS ON WHEELS & THE HEALTH AND WELLNESS TRANSPORTAT ION PROGRAM S u bm i t t e d b y S h a r o n De s mo u l i n , He a l t h & We l l n e s s T r a n s p o r t a t i o n d r i v e r / F o o d S o v e r e i g n t y P r o g r am C o o r d i n a t o r


Aadsookaanan Series Tues, Feb 8 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Feb 15 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Feb 22 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Mar 1 @ 6:00 pm

Family Day Mon, Feb 21

Elder's Conference March 23, 24, and 25

Good Friday Fri, Apr 15

Easter Monday Mon, Apr 18

PHOTOGRAPHY SUBMISSIONS Send in your photos to Cassandra, at cassandra.cress@picriver.com, for a chance to be displayed on the cover of our next community newsletter. *photos must be taken on Biigtigong Nishnaabeg territory

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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t


Quarter ly Issues: January 30th

Apr i l 30th July 30th October 30th

To submi t a piece for our next newslet ter , contact Cassandra Cress, at casssandra.cress@picr iver .com Wr i te-ups and photos must be submi t ted 15 days pr ior to issue release, or on the 15th of the month of i t 's release.

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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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