Jan 2022 - Biigtigong Current


Ke i t h & L i l a Do n a g h y ( L e f t P h o t o )

NEW BI IGT IGONG ANIMAL RESCUE S u bm i t t e d b y Tamb y F a i r , A c t i n g D i r e c t o r Awaakan Bimaaji ("Animal Rescue" in nishnaabe) was created through a band council resolution with four directors; Howard Desmoulin, Tamby Fair, Nicole Desmoulin and Cassandra Cress. We will be seeking members in the near future and invite anyone interested in joining us to reach out. Our goal is to assist with animal care for Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and the surrounding area. This may be in the form of assisting with sudden bills through loans and/or grants, providing access to supplies as we are able to source them (currently we have a few tie-outs for those whose dogs keep breaking ropes) and coordinating wellness clinics in the nearby future. If you have a need for help with your pet, please reach out to us. By email: awakaan.bimaaji@picriver.com or through our Facebook group. We do not yet have a formal office or phone service.

Au d r e y B o u c h i e ( R i g h t P h o t o )

B i i g t i g o n g Y o u t h C o u n c i l ( No t P h o t o g r a p h e d )

S i r a r d ' s Y o u r I n d e p e n d e n t G r o c e r ( No t P h o t o g r a p h e d )

Ou r Ba k e S a l e f und r a i s i ng e f f o r t t o t a l e d $ 2 4 20 .

Ch i Mi i gwe c h f o r y o u r s u p p o r t !


While Dennis Michano was in the hospital, his dog was involved in a fight with another and had some wounds that needed a vet to treat. We reached out to find a way to assist the family with this. In partnership with Northern Reach Rescue, we arranged to have Koda taken in to care. The family decided it was in his best to interest to have him re-homed where he could receive more attention than they could provide at the time. Below is a letter from the Sarnia Humane Society with his update.

“Hi Tamby, I wanted to give you an update on Koda, who has been adopted into the greatest home! I have attached a picture from his grooming session which had to be postponed as we removed the lump off his head and were awaiting stitches to dissolve. He has settled in quite nicely in his new home, he lives with another smaller senior dog and the 2 are best friends. His mom works at a very nice canine retreat so Koda and his brother often get to go for pamper days and dog daycare senior days lol. On her days off they enjoy hiking, couch days watching Netflix and hanging out with family and friends; he has been an absolute joy to his family. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for entrusting this beautiful boy to us.... he is living the dream!"

New Awaakan Bimaaji logo designed by Danielle Robinson

Koda was the the Kickstarter and inspiration for the creation of this group. (Koda's Previous owner, Dennis Michano, gave permission to share his story) **Please note: animals placed in care for treatment have the option of returning to their family once they are recovered or being re-homed. Each family can choose the option that works best for them at that time.**

J a nu a r y 2 0 2 2

T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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