Hello Parents, Guardians, and Community Members! This year was off to a great start since I was able to focus all of my attention on the needs of our Speech, Language, and Occupational Therapy students, and work on their individual goals with them. I spent the Fall helping teachers with their assessments, reading groups, offering strategies and tips, and being available to help students or give them short mental health breaks. As much as I loved having a classroom last year, I’m excited to be back in this role full time. Moving forward in 2022, I will be focussed on testing specific students in order to help the teachers and parents meet the student’s specific learning styles, and this will help our students learn to the best of their ability. And as always, I will continue to work with our Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist to master some of the skills and goals they have created for our students. Parent-Teacher communication has moved away from Facebook and towards the Remind app, so please make sure you have joined my “class” to get updates regarding IEPs and future testing. If you have any questions or would like to set up an in-person or Zoom meeting, please contact me and we will make arrangements. Thank you for being a part of our students’ education! Miigwech! - Mrs. W.
GRADE 3 & 4 CLASS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s G r e e n Greetings from the Grade 3&4 class! We’ve been working very hard over the last few months. In Math, we’ve been working on telling time, measuring capacity, and practicing our multiplication skills. In Literacy, we’ve been practicing reading in our guided reading groups, sharing our opinion in writing, and exploring spelling strategies through essential skills and our spelling practice books. In art, we built a beautiful Christmas tree display and painted a Christmas surprise that you’ll likely see over the holidays! In Social Studies and Science, we’ve been reflecting on our Moose Camp experiences, learning about different regions of Canada, and learning about the water cycle. In Physical Education, students enjoyed four weeks of skating and swimming in Marathon. Students completed a massive sticker challenge and we celebrated their hard work on Tuesday December 14th!
Warmly, Miss Green, Morris, Jared, and the grade ¾ class! GRADE 5 & 6 CLASS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mi s s Ma r i e Greetings from the Grade 5/6 Classroom!
We were very excited to be together in the classroom finally. They focused on identifying the main idea and supporting details in a story in reading. Our class enjoyed going out to Moose Camp this year. They loved building shelters and learning how to make fires. You can support this learning at home by asking your child to identify these elements in the fiction stories you read together. Their descriptive writing focused on adding details to sentences to extend them. Their goal was to write a descriptive real estate paragraph to sell their haunted house. As well, in Math, we have finished a Number Sense Unit. We looked at whole numbers and where they belong in the world of place value. Our class was excited to finally be able to perform “In the Sun, They Melted” for their loved ones at our Christmas Concert. They worked hard at remembering each of their parts. They worked as a group to make it the best performance ever. Miigwech. Miss Marie & Grade 5/6 Class
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