Jan 2022 - Biigtigong Current

What is the Meals on Wheels Program? The Meals on Wheels Program is Designed to assist eligible community member with meals for 5 days a week. Meals include one salad, one soup, and one dinner meal for each of the 5 days. Who Qualifies for Meals on Wheels? Any community member who is a Home & Community Care Client. Elders that live with a chronic illness, Elders that reside with a family member and live with a chronic illness. For those who do not meet the requirements for the Meals on Wheels and are interested in joining the program will be assessed when available spots are opened with the program. Who do I contact for an application or inquires for the Meals on Wheels Program? You can contact Melodie Touchette, the Home and Community Care Coordinator at 229-1836 ext 605. Or, Sharon Desmoulin, the Health and Wellness Transportation Driver at 229-1836 ext 619. (An Intake/assessment must be completed prior to receiving services.) What is the Health and Wellness Transportation Program? The Health and Wellness Transportation Program will provide community member who do not own a vehicle/ or reside with someone who has a vehicle with assistance to and from Marathon for everyday essential needs. Health and Wellness Transportation runs Monday, Wednesday Morning, and Friday. (A full assessment will need to be completed prior to receiving services.) Who do I Contact? You can contact Melodie Touchette, the Home and Community Care Coordinator at 229-1836 ext 605. Or, Sharon Desmoulin, the Health and Wellness Transportation Driver at 229-1836 ext 619. Meals on Wheels and Transportation Services are Essential Services, and will continue to Run During the Lockdown/ Pandemic. MEALS ON WHEELS & THE HEALTH AND WELLNESS TRANSPORTAT ION PROGRAM S u bm i t t e d b y S h a r o n De s mo u l i n , He a l t h & We l l n e s s T r a n s p o r t a t i o n d r i v e r / F o o d S o v e r e i g n t y P r o g r am C o o r d i n a t o r


Aadsookaanan Series Tues, Feb 8 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Feb 15 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Feb 22 @ 6:00 pm Tues, Mar 1 @ 6:00 pm

Family Day Mon, Feb 21

Elder's Conference March 23, 24, and 25

Good Friday Fri, Apr 15

Easter Monday Mon, Apr 18

PHOTOGRAPHY SUBMISSIONS Send in your photos to Cassandra, at cassandra.cress@picriver.com, for a chance to be displayed on the cover of our next community newsletter. *photos must be taken on Biigtigong Nishnaabeg territory

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